Chapter 5

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A bright red lehenga.

A big-fat ceremony.

Rituals and celebrations.

That's exactly what did not happen. Thankfully.

The one thing that was right in this marriage, if at all anything could go right, was that I did not have to make a mockery of our rituals.

A simple signature on a sheet of paper was enough to bind me to this man.

7 December 2022

12:05 PM

I married the man of my nightmares and now as I stand at the evening press conference with my husband, I'm pretty sure of one thing, I'm going to make his life hell, so much so he regrets marrying me.


"Mr. Abhimanyu Birla married Mrs. Akshara Goenka Birla in a small, private ceremony earlier today.

We request the media to be patient while Mr. Birla takes up the questions. I request you to be sensitive and careful while framing your questions" Rehaan announces.

I would have never agreed to such a press conference let alone with Akshara by my side but my investors will question me if I don't.

I straighten my tie and get ready for the chaos I know is coming.

Akshara seems a little nervous, which I only know because she's tapping her foot under the table.

Otherwise, the woman's face shows nothing. Grade A Actor if not more.

I know the questions wouldn't target us personally, Rehan had made sure to pick up the right journalists.

"Hello sir, I'm Swati from Bombay Live, I wanted to know what this alliance means for both of your companies"

None of your goddamn business. "Hello Miss Swati, my wife and I are capable leaders at our respective firms and this is something that we share in common, love for what we do.

Now that we're together, we aim to build a business that is second to none"

I look at Akshara and gesture for her to add on "I think my husband's answer speaks for both of our opinions" she smiles.

"Hello Mrs. Birla, I'm Yash from Lifestyle Alert, what does Mr. Goenka, your father and the CEO of Birla Industries think of this alliance?"

My fingers curl into a fist as I hear that man's name when suddenly Akshara speaks up "He's my father so he's just happy that I'm happy, you know? What else would a father want? And as a businessman, I'm sure he has his own rational opinions that he can share best." She smiles.

He's happy because I'm happy. Yeah, not for long, Akshara.

"Hello sir, I'm Tanya from Today and Now, I wanted to know if a capable businesswoman such as Mrs. Birla would now also be actively participating in the Birla Estates Business?"

Yeah, like a servant. "Yeah, I think it's too early to pressurize my newly wedded bride with business routines, but now that she's my wife, she also owns the Birla Estates and can decide to what extent she would like to get involved in this business"

"Hello Mrs. Birla" I hear a voice from the back end "I'm Shikhar from the Daily Highlights, I wanted to know why the merger of the Goenka Industries with the Sinhas went down abruptly, just when you were about to get engaged to Rishabh Sinha?"

The crowd lets out a collective gasp and I see Akshara's face go pale.

"How dare you!" I stand up in fury.

"Mr. Birla, my question was genuine and-"

"Shut up! Security!" my men come and take the guy away who I swear I could have killed right here.

"This press conference is over" I shout while I take Akshara's hand and take her away. 


The car ride is absolutely silent. I look at the empty road lined up with trees on both the sides and I know I've never been to this part of this city.

I close my eyes and before I know I fall asleep...


The car door shuts with a terrifying sound and I look to see a very angry Abhimanyu staring at me.

"I've called out your name a hundred times. For a second I thought you died, judging by the way you didn't even budge even when I shaked your arm!"

"Uh...ahm.." I clear my throat "I'm sorry... I haven't slept in long...uh"

"Yeah, tell me about it" he says in a low voice before he turns and walks away.

I see a huge building in front of us, made up of all glass and even though I hate to admit it, it's quite impressive.

I see a huge "Birla Estates" board on my right and it's then I realise that Abhimanyu owns this building.

I quickly follow after him and we get into an elevator labelled "private".

The lift moves up to the 17th floor and we step into what seems like a huge penthouse.

"Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Birla" an elderly woman greets us.

"Namaste Sudha ji, this is Akshara" Abhimanyu says in an extremely polite tone, making me wonder whether he found some manners on our way here.

"Sudha ji, I'm going to my study, please show Akshara her room and other things. And make sure she knows the rules of the house" he says and goes away, leaving us both in the huge lobby.

"Mrs. Birla" she says

"Please call me Akshara" I smile at her.

"Akshara, I'll show you the entire place" she says and walks me through the main areas. "Your room is the second one from the left on the first floor." I nod in understanding.

"And uh, a few rules" she says nervously.

"Mr. Birla hates if someone goes into his room without his permission. I mean you are his wife-"

"It's okay Sudha ji, go on"

"And the last room on the second floor corridor is strictly forbidden." She says in a very serious tone.

"He likes having his breakfast at 8 am and dinner at 8 pm. It's not a compulsion for you though"

"And if you need anything at all, I'm always here" she smiles. "Your luggage is in your room already, you can go and rest now" she gives me a warm smile that reminds me of my mother.

As I'm about to walk away, I hear her whisper "Don't give up on him Akshara, he's not a bad person."

I just quietly go away because I don't want to break her heart by telling her the truth.



Author's Note: 

Okayyy, so now they're married, let the fun begin! 

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