Chapter 24

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"Oh my God, Akshara it's you" he steps towards me and his hand cups my cheek.

I move two steps back in haste, the shock and horror quite visible on my face.

"Akshara" he looks at me with a pained expression.

"Stay away. Stay away from me Rishabh. I- I- can't." I'm about to run away when he grabs my hand.

"Akshara please listen to me" he begs "please listen to me"

"You- you will tell my father... that I'm here. I- I must run away. I-" It's like I'm talking to myself more than him.

"Akshara, no! I would never. Please trust me" he says but I pull my hand away and turn away to run.

"I swear on my dead mother Akshara! Please trust me" he screams and I stop.

I didn't know Rishabh very well but the 2-3 times we went out, he spoke about his mother a lot. He told me various childhood stories and I remember I saw tears in his eyes whenever he spoke of her.

"Why are you here? How did you find me?" I whisper, still standing away.

"I didn't Akshara, I didn't know you were here. But I'm so glad I found you" he smiles with a hint of sadness.

I stay quiet and then he speaks up "Can we at least sit somewhere and talk?"

"I'm not sure-"

"Please Akshara, I want to tell you the truth, I thought I'd never get the chance but now that I have it, I can't let it go"

For some reason, I see the sincerity in his eyes.

We sit down on a bench nearby when he speaks up again.

"Akshara, I didn't know my father would do such a thing. He made a deal with Abhimanyu Birla and took me away to Delhi on the day of our- engagement" He explains sadly.

"I fought with him, I fought so hard but he told me that Abhimanyu would kill us if we ever stepped foot into Mumbai again"

Abhimanyu's mention hits me with a wave of unrecognised sadness but I stay quiet.

"Soon after reaching Delhi, I left his home because I couldn't believe he did that to me. He took me away even though he knew that I- I liked you" he says honestly and I think of the times he smiled at me when we went out. I may not have loved him but I knew he was a good person.

"And then when I saw the news and got to know you had married Abhimanyu Birla, I just couldn't take it. I left for Manali and stayed there for over a month. I travelled here last night to meet a friend and this morning, as I stepped out of his house to take a walk, I didn't know I'd find you"

His story seems legit and the honesty in his voice makes me feel warm. But I've seen how good some people can be at acting so I cannot trust him completely.

"Say something Akshara. At least tell me why you're here" he says and I cannot decide what I should tell him.

"I can't tell you much Rishabh, just that I've come to this place, leaving my previous life completely behind. If you tell even a single soul that you found me here, I will be killed"

He gasps and his expressions look painful.

"Abhimanyu will get you killed? That bast-"

"No! It's not Abhimanyu. In fact Abhimanyu was the one who helped me. Like I said, I can't tell you much right now but if you want to see me alive, promise me you won't tell anyone"

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