Chapter 47

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I rush back home, wanting to go back and stay in Akshara's arms and forget all of this.

Just as I enter, I hear a piercing sound of glass breaking and my eyes fall on Akshara who seems to be losing her balance on the staircase.

My heart stops for a second as I see that she's about to fall on the pieces of the shattered glass.

I immediately run towards her and by the time she has fainted in mid-air.

Just as her body is about to hit the floor, I catch her, close to the floor.

A broken piece of glass pierces the back side of my hand and I flinch in pain but all my attention is on Akshara who is now unconscious.

"Akshara" I panic "Akshara!"

I immediately pick her up and carry her to the room and Sudha ji follows after me.

She sprinkles water on Akshara's face and Akshara opens her eyes slowly.

I let out a huge sigh of relief to see her awake but the concern remains that way.

Just as I'm about to ask her something, she covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom.

I run after her and hold her hair back as he empties the contents of her stomach.

I wipe her face with a washcloth and she sits there in the bathroom for quite some time, her back resting against the wall.

A few minutes later, I pick her up in my arms and carry her back to the bed.

"I'll make a light soup for her" Sudha ji says and leaves.

"Baby, are you okay?" I feel utterly helpless seeing her that way.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Okay? You call that okay?"

"Abhi, I'm better now, I think it's probably fatigue. Or maybe it's because of the street pav bhaji I had last night" she says innocently and I make her lie down.

I sit down beside her while she lays her head on my lap.

"Abhi!" she immediately wakes up "Your hand... it's bleeding" and now it's her turn to panic.

She opens the side drawer and pulls out the first aid kit and treats my wound.

I smile realising how lucky I am because this woman cares more about me even when she's the one who is unwell.

"The frame Abhi... it broke" she says sadly as she covers my hand in bandage.

"We'll get a new one made baby, we'll get lots of them" I kiss her forehead and we lie down together.

Later, Sudha ji brings soup and I make her drink it despite her resistance.

As she falls asleep clinging to my chest with my hands wrapped around her, the discomfort from the evening returns.

I still haven't been able to tell her everything about Samaira's deeds and it makes me uneasy.

Tomorrow, I'll tell her everything.


I wake up the next morning to my favourite view, Abhimanyu sleeping with his arms around me, the sun rays slightly kissing his face.

I look at the bandage on his hand and slowly kiss it.

I get up and go to the kitchen where Sudha ji is already preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Akshara, are you feeling better now?" she asks, concerned.

"Yes Sudha ji, I'm much better" I take a seat at the table.

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