Chapter 38

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I feel ticklish and I slowly open my eyes only to find Abhimanyu placing soft kisses all over my neck.

"Good morning beautiful" he says in his early-morning husky voice and I moan in pleasure.

"I'm sorry I woke you up but I just couldn't stop myself from kissing you" he says as he plants a soft and delicate kiss on my lips.

"Let me sleep" I say playfully as I put the blanket over myself and wrap myself up completely.

A second later, I feel his hands slowly bind around my waist as he rolls me over so I'm on top of him.

"I should probably make sure that you're tired enough to get a good sleep" he winks and I blush.

"Aren't you tired Mr. Birla?" I tease him.

"Of making love to you? Nah, never" He says as we begin round four!




There must be something different with me this morning because the moment I entered the office building, people began staring at me like I'm an alien.

"Come in" I say as I take a final look at the presentation for our new investors.

"The blush really suits you sir" Rehan says and I look up to find him grinning.


"You're blushing sir. Since morning. The staff has declared Mrs. Goenka a queen for bringing about that change" his grin grows wider and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I hope Lavanya thinks so too" I smirk and his face turns red.

Lavanya and Rehan's "date" had been an adventure. She's not the one for candle-light dinners and surprises. She took him ice-skating!

Little did she know that Rehan is an extremely trained man and his military training taught him all sorts of things. She was quite impressed with him and ever since, I've seen her waiting for Rehan outside his cabin multiple times. I think she wants another date but the guy just doesn't respond!

"Sir, Mr. and Mrs. Anand are here. They're waiting in the conference room" He says and I pick up my laptop and make way to meet the new investors.

Just as I step into the room, I see a young man, nearly my age. Daksh Anand. His business is based in Los Angeles and he might be the first overseas investor for us.

"Hello Mr. Birla" he says as I shake his hand and greet him back.

"Meet my wife and business partner, Samaira Anand" I now pay attention to the woman beside me and for a second I cannot believe my eyes.

This cannot be- "Hi Mr. Birla" I can recognise this voice clearly.

I clear my throat and shake her hand "Hello Mrs. Anand"

"Samaira. Please call me Samaira" she says and I nod.

The next one hour is a blur. I remember giving a fine presentation and the two of them nodding in understanding. But at the same time, I also notice how Samaira keeps giving me a knowing look, like she recognises me. No, that's not possible!

As the presentation ends, Daksh Anand stands up and gives me a nod.

"This is certainly a fine project Abhimanyu. We'd love to invest in it" He says and I smile.

"This is my dream project Daksh. It's really special to me and I'm happy to have you onboard for it"

Daksh's phone rings and he excuses himself to take the call.

"Mrs. Anand-"

"Abhay" she whispers and I feel a shiver go down my spine.

"I'm sorry Mrs.-"

"Don't lie to me Abhay, I know it's you" she says as she walks towards me.

She looks into my eyes and for a few moments, there is absolute silence in the room.

The very next second, before I can react, she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight.

"Eight years Abhay, I've waited eight years for this day" she sobs as she clings on to me.

"Samaira..." I pull apart and notice the tears falling down her eyes. "How did you-"

"I was there last night... at La Nuit. I heard you sing... I heard your song" she smiles amidst her tears "How could I ever forget it Abhay? It was the one you were composing when we were in college. You changed the lyrics a bit but the melody, it took me straight back to the night we returned from the prom and I first heard you play it" she says with a bright smile on her face.

"Samaira, you can't tell anyone" I say fearfully. She could ruin everything!

"Abhay... why did you leave all of a sudden? Why did you change your name? I tried so hard to find you-"

"Don't call me Abhay. Please don't." I look around nervously "I can't tell you all of that right now"

"I need to know Abh- Abhimanyu. Invite me and Daksh for dinner tonight. I'll try to figure out a plan to make him stay back so we get time to discuss everything. Please Abhimanyu, I need to know everything!"

I can't say no to her. If I do, she could spoil the entire plan. Nobody can know that I'm Abhay Dixit.

I nod my head "Okay, fine. But until then, you have to keep quiet about this"

She nods her head and I hand her a glass of water as she takes a tissue and wipes the remnants of mascara on her face.

A minute later, a happy looking Daksh enters and I smile forcefully.

"Daksh, I'd like to invite you for dinner tonight. We must celebrate this union" I try to say normally.

"That would be amazing, let me know the time and place, we'll be there" He wraps his arms around Samaira's shoulders as they both turn to leave.

Just then, Samaira turns her head towards me and gives me a smile that makes me really nervous.

Samaira knows me, the real me.

And this is a variable that I didn't count while I made this plan.

I need to meet her tonight and sort out this mess.

I close my eyes in frustration and Akshara's face pops up in my head.

What will I tell Akshara?

Should I tell her about Samaira right away?

No, I think I should first talk to her and sort this out, I can't put Akshara in any more stress.

I call up Rehan and ask him to make reservations for La Nuit again.

As I walk back to my cabin, I feel a dark vibe all around.

I can sense that a storm is coming.



Author's Note:

Hey Guys, how was the update?

What do you think will happen next? 

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P.S OMG, Just saw that I'll soon hit 100 followers! Thanks Guys! xoxo

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