Chapter 33

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Author's Note 1: 

Hey Guys, updating this before the vote count because I know there was a glitch, otherwise you people are too quick to do it! 

Also, this song is really really special, you have an amazing taste in music if  you've heard it before. 

If not, I request you to please play it when this part comes in the chapter. 

Close your eyes and imagine Abhira on this song!! 

Here's your update- 


Remember how my husband once told me that I'm a Disney princess?

Yes, I know he said it in a very, very different manner but huh, okay.

Today, he actually made me feel like one. Like a princess with the world at her feet.

Because as soon as I walk up to the terrace, I see the most beautiful sight in front of my eyes.

Close your eyes and think of the most beautiful date setup, something that you dream of for your first date.

Now multiply that with 100.

That's how beautiful it is. No, that's how magical it is!

The huge terrace is decorated with fairy lights and candles and lilies! (Because my guy knows I prefer them over roses *blush*)

"It's so, so beautiful... like a dream, like magic, too good to be true" I whisper without looking at him because I just can't take my eyes off it.

"Yes, so, so a dream, like magic, too good to be true" he repeats my words and I look towards him and see that he's just looking at me and talking about me.

At this point, the colour of my cheeks is redder than my dress.

"Aaaanddd... this compliment became 10x looking at this blush on your cheeks" he says teasingly.

Damnit! I was supposed to be teasing him, why is it happening the other way around?

He takes me to the dinner table and pulls out a chair for me before taking his own.

As he serves the food, I notice it's my favourite pasta.

How did this angry man turn into this extra sweet guy?

"Okay... so let's get to know each other. And let's start with basics" he says as he takes a bite.

I nod and he says "We'll ask one question each. You can start"

I think of everything that I want to ask him and I decide my first question.

"Is there anything you were passionate about but don't do any longer?"

He seems a little surprised by my question. I think he was expecting a favourite colour or movie kinda question, nah!

"Music. I played guitar since the age of 11. By the time I was in college, I was really good at it. But ever since my family.... I stopped playing"

I feel a little emotional at his revelation and then I smile "Would you ever... play for me... please? I mean, only if you're comfortable, no pressure"

He smiles and nods.

"Okay, my turn" he says "If you take this as the first day of your new life, what mantra would you live by from now on?"

I think for one long minute "I read this in a book somewhere and at that time, I didn't have the courage to follow it. But now that I've seen what lies ahead of courage, I think I'm going to live by it. The quote was 'fear does not stop death, it only stops life'"

"That is beautiful Akshara" he smiles at me.

"I'll ask something similar" I say "What is the one quote or phrase that you didn't believe in at first but you later realised it was true?"

He smiles and bites his lip "So I caught my previous receptionist reading a romance novel during work hours. I walked up to her from the back and she didn't see me coming, she was highlighting this romantic quote in that book and I remember the quote distinctly because I had to control my laughter after reading something so- what I thought at that point- bullshit.

It said "You're my heaven but even if you were hell, I'd sin a thousand times to be with you"

Back then, I laughed at it. But today, I must admit that it is indeed true. I didn't think it was possible to feel that way but now, looking at you, I know I'd commit a crime for you, without blinking an eye" he says and I see his eyes get moist.

"I don't think I've ever been told something as perfect as this" I say as a tear rolls down my eye and he wipes it with his thumb.

"Okay, I'll ask a lighter question. What is something fun that you've always dreamt of doing?"

I grin as I hear this question: "Trampoline park! I want to go to a trampoline park, I've seen a lot of videos, it looks so cool" I laugh.

"Next date: Trampoline park it is!" He laughs with me.

"We're having a next date?" I ask teasingly.

"Either that, or this date would go on for the rest of our lives" he winks at me.

Suddenly, he gets up and extends his hand "May I have a dance, please?"

"I'm a bad dancer" I say nervously.

"You just have to hold me" he whispers and I take his hand.

The music comes on and the song leaves me enchanted.

Wise men say

Only fools rush in

But I can't help falling in love with you

Shall I stay?

Would it be a sin

If I can't help falling in love with you?

His arms slide to my waist and I place mine on his shoulders. He directs our steps as we move slowly and gently.

I feel the warmth of his hands through my dress and then he slowly applies a little pressure and hardens his grip and pulls me closer.

We look into each other's eyes as we move to the beautiful melody.

I lean into his chest as we continue to move slowly, and the world around us stops completely.

As the song ends, it gets chilly up here on the terrace and we decide to head back.

I recall the words he told me at the beginning of the date and my nervousness comes back.

Will he... will he ask me to stay with him at night?

Will he kiss me... at the end of the date?

I quietly walk and as we reach my room, his hand goes around my waist.

"This was the most beautiful date I could have asked for, thankyou for saying yes" he whispers.

"That should have been my line, this was the most amazing night of my life" I whisper back.

He leans in towards me and I close my eyes.

I feel his lips on my forehead and he inhales deeply as he whispers in a husky voice "I guess kisses are for the second or third date" he lets out a breath and with effort, he steps back.

"Good night Akshara" he gives me his boyish smile.

"Good night" I whisper but for some reason I feel disappointed.

My first kiss was a torture.

But I wanted Abhimanyu's kiss to erase those memories and give me my actual first kiss.

Ughh, should I have kissed him first?



Author's Note 2:

 How was the update, guys??

P.S Silent readers, please comment and tell me your views too!

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