Chapter 10

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I slowly open my eyes but they feel too heavy and my head hurts. It takes me a minute to completely open them and come to my senses.

My fever seems to have lowered down but the restlessness is still the same.

As I try to sit up, my hand feels heavy and I turn to my left to see what's pulling me down.

What I find next, gives me a hiccup!

Abhimanyu is on the chair next to the bed.

No, no. Abhimanyu is holding my hand as he is peacefully sleeping on the chair!

He sleeps!

So he's not a vampire or a zombie.

Hmm, I cross that theory out in my head.

Just then, the events of the previous night come running back to me.

The way he threw me out of the car.

I didn't even have my purse, I had to walk all the way till here in the cold while he was comfortably resting here, most probably laughing at my misery.

I pull my hand away with a jerk and he wakes up.

He rubs his eyes in confusion and looks around trying to figure out where he is.

Seems like he didn't fall asleep on purpose.

I try to get up to go to the washroom but my body refuses to listen to me. As I'm about to fall, he grabs my arm with one hand and supports my waist with the other.

"Stay away, I don't need your help" I glare at him.

"Trust me, I'm not having much fun either" he glares back at me. "But I will have to pick you up again if you fall down and I'm really not interested in doing that, so let me help"

I want to argue but I really do not have the strength for that, so I quietly let him help me walk to the bathroom.

As I come out five minutes later, I find him waiting at the door.

Why is the heartless monster suddenly turning into a human?

He takes me back to the bed where I find a tray of fruits and other things.

"Eat this and then take your medicine" He points to the tablets kept on the side table.

"Thank you so much for your concern" I say sarcastically.

"You could have told me you had such a high fever" He ignores my remark and says.

"What more were you expecting when you left me on the street? That I'd ballet my way to the hotel while the city applauds me?"

"On second thoughts, you weren't that sick, because that mouth is working just fine" he says in his usual tone. "And I didn't know that this little devil who is always eager to fight with me and claims that she can beat me would be such a weakling" he says and leaves.

"I'm not a weakling Abhimanyu, don't you ever say that! You have no idea of the strength I carry inside me" my voice is bold and loud because I know one thing with absolute surety, I'm not weak. I may be helpless right now, but I'm not weak!

He stops for a second and turns to look at me. He just looks at me for several seconds before he walks away.


"I'm not a weakling Abhimanyu, don't you ever say that! You have no idea of the strength I carry inside me"

As I walk into my room, her words ring in my ears and for some reason, I feel like there was more to it than it seemed.

I shake my head to push away her thoughts and I sit down on the bed and take a deep breath.

I can't believe I slept that peacefully. That too in her presence and what the hell was I doing holding her hand?

For the first time in many days I don't feel the need to take my tablet because I feel fine this morning.

No anxiety, no sleep deprivation.

Yes, my back hurts a little from sitting in the chair for that long but mentally, I feel fine.

Guilt hits me as I think of all these things.

She's the enemy, there's no way I should feel comfortable in her presence but I did!

Why the hell do I keep forgetting that she's just a pawn in this game? That she means nothing to me!

I order a cup of coffee for myself and look outside the balcony at the Eiffel Tower.

What do people see in this? They call it beautiful but I don't see it that way. I can't see it that way.




Today is when we go back to India and for some reason, I feel relieved.

My fever subsided yesterday and I feel much better this morning.

As we board the flight, I take a last look at this place.

It's funny how a place holds no meaning on its own. It's the memories you create there that define that place for you.

The Paris that I loved when I visited here with my mother was nowhere to be found this time.

The past week was just buildings and roads and everything concrete.

It's the people with you who make a place special and not the other way around.

As I walk up to our seat, Abhimanyu doesn't take the window seat and I'm not sure whether he's doing it out of guilt or so he won't have to deal with me swaying in his direction all the time.

On second thoughts, the man has no conscience so it's probably the second case.

Anyway, the journey is peaceful. I have my earphones plugged in and I play Unstoppable by Sia on loop. For me, this song is like a message for myself. It's like telling myself that I will get over anything and everything. That one day, I'll be free and that Ayush and I will have a better future!

And so the song plays on loop as I strengthen my resolve to fight for Ayush and for me.


Break down, only alone I will cry out loud

You'll never see what's hiding out

Hiding out deep down

Yeah, yeah

I know, I've heard that to let your feelings show

Is the only way to make friendships grow

But I'm too afraid now

Yeah, yeah

I put my armor on, show you how strong I am

I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am

I'm unstoppable

I'm a Porsche with no brakes

I'm invincible

Yeah, I win every single game




Author's Note: 

Hi Guys, hope you liked the chapter! 

Do vote, comment and share your feedback. 

I've been reading all your comments on the previous chapters and trust me, I'm so grateful to have a wonderful audience like y'all! ❤️

P.S This chapter is dedicated to @GarimaSingh658 

Thankyou for your beautiful message Garima, I'm truly honoured to have people like you reading my book! Lots of love 💕

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