Chapter 49

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I drive away while my tears fall down one after the other.

Suddenly, I press the brake and the car stops with a jolt.

This isn't right! Abhimanyu would never do such a thing. He loves me and he loves me immensely. That woman Samaira, she's definitely plotting something, Abhimanyu would never do that, never!

I tell this to myself over and over again as I wipe my tears.

I saw the look on Abhimanyu's face and I know it wasn't of a guilty person. He was as shocked and heartbroken as I was.

But, but what could I have done?

I was going to give him a news that was already making me anxious and then I saw him with her!

I thought the day couldn't get worse after my visit to the doctor.

"Akshara, you're not pregnant" she said and I felt a knot in my stomach. Uptil then, I honestly didn't know how I felt about the whole pregnancy thing, but hearing that I'm not pregnant, made me realise that somewhere deep within my heart I actually wanted us to be parents.

"Oh okay" I tell her, trying to hide my sadness.

"And uh, Akshara, there's another thing... did you ever get an injury in your lower abdomen?" she asks and my mind flashes back to the time when my so called father used to kick me in the stomach.

"I fell down from the stairs a few months ago" I lie and she looks like she isn't convinced.

"There is some internal injury Akshara... that has perhaps not been treated. I would recommend you get a minor operation done for the same. Otherwise, it may create complications in your future pregnancies"

My hand shivers as I absorb her words. Not only am I not pregnant, I am not even medically fit to be pregnant. My heartbeat fastens as I somehow manage to nod as she hands me the reports.

I walk out of the hospital with faded hopes and a broken dream.

And at that point, I just wanted to go and hug Abhimanyu and cry my heart out in his arms.

But reaching his office turned everything into a much bigger disaster.

I know I should have trusted him, I should have not run away.

I should have walked out of the car and slapped that disgusting woman who dared to touch my husband.

But my mind had stopped working and I was unable to think rationally.

Now, as I sit in my car, I know that I need to go back.

I need to go back to Abhimanyu, to my husband and tell him that I trust him and his love.

Suddenly, I hear the piercing sound of glass shattering and my windshield turns into powdery glass as four men thrash it with cricket bats.

Before I can react, the door is opened and I see a man cover my face with a cloth and everything turns black.



I try to open my eyes and they feel really heavy. I gather all my strength and try to get up, the cold floor making my body shiver.

"Ahh" I wince in pain.

"Akshara" I hear a familiar voice.

I slowly open my eyes and there on the other side of the lowly lit room is Lavanya!

"Lavanya... what are you-"

"Oh looks like the two princesses have had a reunion" the monster's voice greets me before his figure comes into view.

An excuse for a father, Raj Shekhar Goenka walks into the room, a sly smirk on his face.

"Oh dear sweetheart, we meet again" he says as he walks towards me and kneels down in front of me.

"Don't call me that you-"


His palm makes contact with my cheek and I feel the heat rise up from my face.

"Shut up bitch. I think you've forgotten your manners, you need a reminder" he says as he slaps me again and this time, with much more force.

My teeth chatter and blood spills out of my mouth.

"Aksharaaa! Stay away from her you bastard!" Lavanya screams and cries as tears roll down my own eyes.

"Oh well, looks like this one needs a treatment too" he says as he picks up a whip from the table and walks towards Lavanya.

"No, no, no. Leave her" I scream "Your hatred is for me, don't do anything to her, it's not her fault!" I cry.

"Well, I must say I agree with you on this one" he smiles wickedly "It's not her fault"

He walks back and forth between us "But then whose fault is it?"

"Let me think, let me think" he acts like he's thinking hard. "I think I know" he says as he walks closer to Lavanya and kicks her so she's lying on her stomach.

He flicks his wrist and whips her across her back as she cries out in pain and I close my eyes in pain and helplessness.

"I think I need to think some more" he says as he walks towards me and as his whip hits me, I'm reminded of all those times when he had hit me earlier.

"Not going to retaliate, sweetheart? I heard you've become quite the killer after you so fearlessly shot my dear friend Sandeep. Not going to try it on me?" he laughs and I grind my teeth in anger.

If I say something, he'll hit me.

If I stay quiet, he'll still hit me.

So I will not stay shut this time!

"I would love to have a shot at you too dear father" I smile at him and his brow ticks as he watches me in anger.

"I will make you pay Akshara, I will make you pay for everything.

For being a burden on me all my life,

For owning the shares that should've been mine.

And for falling in love with my enemy... Abhay Dixit"

I gasp audibly as I hear the name. Abhay Dixit. Abhimanyu's former name.

"You- you-" I stutter.

"Oh yes, I was about time that I found out why your husband was hell-bent on making my life hell. And yesterday I found out that this is all a huge revenge mission for him... I killed his father, didn't I?" he laughs like a maniac and a cold shiver runs down my spine.

"And if he's so hell bent on taking revenge, let me add names to that list of dead family members...

Mrs. Akshara Birla, his dearest wife..." he smirks as he stares at me and then turns around to face Lavanya "and Miss Tara Dixit... his lovely sister"

I turn towards Lavanya with a jerk and she looks frozen, like all colour has drained from her face.

Tara Dixit!

Lavanya is Tara! She's Abhimanyu's sister! 



Author's Note: 

Soooo guys, how was the update???

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