Chapter 17

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They say time heals everything... but I wish someone would just tell me how much time is needed to get over such a thing.

It's been two weeks since I underwent that trauma.

But I still cannot stop thinking about it even for a single second.

The past two weeks have taught me so much more about life and people.

Take my father for instance, I got to know from Abhimanyu that Sandeep's imprisonment went viral in the media and that Abhimanyu's PR had to tell him the truth so that they don't start cooking up stories about me.

And the moment that happened, my father came running to meet me. I was surprised that Abhimanyu even let him in our house. But I think he wanted me to feel better and so he allowed my father that chance.

My father is an extraordinary actor, he had tears in his eyes when he entered my room and he hugged me and cried for minutes before Abhimanyu gave us privacy.

And then, the moment Abhimanyu went away, he changed back to his colours. "Did you tell him that this has happened before?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Good. I hope you know that your silence is what is keeping me away from Ayush. If you utter a word to Abhimanyu, the consequences would be severe" he threatens me and I admit I was.

"I won't tell him a thing, please leave Ayush alone" I beg and he smirks.

"I will stay in touch with you and there's also a plan that I'm working on. I need your help to execute it. Let this media hassle die down and then we'll meet and discuss that. Got it?" He says in a dominating tone.

"Yes" I whisper. Plan? What plan?

He hugged me again and I cringed but then I saw Abhimanyu looking at us from the door.

See, I told you my father is a pro actor.

And so I learnt that some people are born to be monsters. Nothing or no one can save them because they do not want to be saved.

The poison running in my father's bloodstream can never be purified. He was born a monster and he will die as one.

Then I think of Abhimanyu.

Yes, the same Abhimanyu who wanted me to live in hell and whose only mission was to destroy my life.

That man has vanished. He's no longer around.

Ever since I hugged him that day, we have had no other physical contact. We have barely even spoken to each other except for things like my police statement against Sandeep and his instructions for me to stay away from the media.

But still, the silence between us is not the way it used to be. There's comfort in that silence.

Even though Sudha ji has been spending the night in my room since the past two weeks and she's the one who has been taking care of everything for me like my own mother would, I know it's Abhimanyu who's behind it all.

Twice I've seen him peeping through the door late at night to make sure I'm okay. And he thinks I haven't noticed how he came back home early every evening since that night.

He stays in his study room and works all night but just the fact that he's watching over to make sure I'm okay gives me a weird sense of relief.

And this taught me that some people aren't monsters, they're just haunted by their own demons and that changes them even when they didn't want to. 

These are people who can and should be saved.

As I'm lost in thought, my phone beeps and my happiness ends that very moment.

It's a message from my father-

Meet me in the Goenka Office at 11. Don't you dare make an excuse.


I sit in front of my laptop and yet again, my mind wanders off to a decision I've been stalling for two weeks now.

It's insane how just two weeks are enough to change your perspective completely.

And it all happened the night Akshara was assaulted.

That moment still gives me chills and I have had to consult my therapist to make sure I don't go around hunting for Sandeep Dhiman.

Akshara's screams when she had that nightmare still breaks a part of me.

I still remember the night it happened.

Because as selfish as it may sound, that was the last time I had a good sleep.

And I can no longer deny that pattern.

In Paris and again that night, her presence gave me a comfort that I had forgotten since years.

And that comfort is my biggest guilt and also my biggest fear.

I cannot be close to her in any sense at all.

I need to maintain a distance and I've tried to do so ever since.

That morning when she ran and hugged me, I was left speechless.

When was the last time someone hugged me?

I don't even remember to be honest.

And when she looked into my eyes and said thankyou, I knew that it had way more depth than she intended to show.

I wanted to ask her what had happened last time but I just couldn't gather the courage.

Or worse, I was afraid that I would start feeling her pain and it would weaken my resolve.

So I made Sudha ji her shadow and asked Sudha ji to take utmost care of Akshara.

Still, when I wasn't really satisfied, I started going home early and I also visited her room sometimes at night to make sure she wasn't having a nightmare.

My will to make her feel better made me stoop so low that I insulted my own family by letting that bastard into my house!

I wanted to kill him with my bare hands as soon as he stepped inside my doors but I knew Akshara needed her father.

Akshara, Akshara, Akshara!

This can't go on any longer.

This girl is slowly becoming my weakness and I cannot let that happen at any cost.

So this leaves me with just two alternatives.

One, I let things go the same way, let Akshara be a pawn in this game and fulfil my revenge. But my stupid conscience won't allow me to do that!

So the other option is to give Akshara an out from this game, give her a divorce so she can go on with her life and then seek my revenge directly from the man who is responsible for all of this.

I think this decision had been made that night itself when she slept in my arms.

I just wasn't ready to admit it to myself for some reason.

Akshara cannot live with me any longer.

And so tomorrow, I will give her the freedom that she wants.

I pick up my phone and call Rehan "Get those papers ready, I need them by tomorrow"



Author's Note: Hey Guys! How was the update? 

Do vote, comment and share your feedback!

Also, a small request to the silent readers- It takes a lot of effort to write a story, so I would love if you could at least vote for the chapter and not just read and go away. Your feedback motivates me to write better :)

*The next part will be published after 100 votes.

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