Chapter 27

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It takes me about twelve minutes to reach Akshara's place and by this time, my legs are shivering.

I immediately run to the staircase leading up to her room but I find it locked.

"Abhimanyu, she's not here" I hear Rishabh's voice and I see tears in his eyes. I walk up to him and my heart sinks.

"The park... let me check the-"

"She's not even there Abhimanyu, I checked the entire place, she's nowhere around." He panics and so do I.

"She could be somewhere around...let's check again" I say and I run to the park.

We run through the entire place but there's no sign of her.

I suddenly see something on the ground and it makes my heart stop.

Drops of blood.

I fall down to my knees as I curse myself over and over again. How could I let that happen?

"Where did she go?" I hear Rishabh whisper and I see tears falling down his eyes.

For a moment, there is pin-drop silence.

Suddenly, my phone rings and I hear Rehan's voice as soon as I pick it up.

"Sir, is everything okay? Is Akshara ma'am okay?" he says in a worried tone.

"I- I don't think so" I try to suppress my tears "I can't find her"

"Sir, we just received the news that Mr. Sen flew in from Udaipur this morning. He was spotted at the Goenka Industries office an hour ago"

"Mr. Sen? If I'm not wrong, he's the-"

"He's the family lawyer of Akshara ma'am's mother. She was from Udaipur."

If the lawyer just reached there, there's a possibility that they're also taking Akshara to Mumbai.

But how can I leave this place without knowing if Akshara has actually left?

While I'm still debating what to do, the sun rays reflect on a surface and blind my eyesight for a second.

And there, lying on the grass, is my answer!

I see a glass keyring with the Gateway of India engraved on it.

Akshara... she left me a clue!

I immediately call back Rehan "They're taking her to Mumbai. I'm flying back soon but I need a security team here in Chandigarh as well. And Rehan, you're not well, please ask someone else to take over in the meantime, you need rest"

"I can rest tomorrow, sir. Today we're saving Akshara ma'am!" He says and I smile at the fact that I placed my trust in the right person. Rehan is the best right-hand I could have asked for!

"Abhimanyu, allow me to come to Mumbai please" I hear Rishabh's voice and I admit I feel bad for him.

If I let him come with me, there's a high possibility that Akshara would choose him...

And for this selfish reason, I feel like saying NO.

But at this point, I do not have too many people to trust. And the fact that there might not remain an Akshara to fight over, sends a shiver down my spine.

For this selfish reason again, I turn to him and say "Yes".


6 hours ago...

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