Chapter 51- Part 1

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"Your childhood home"

As I hear those words, my entire life shatters in front of me. Everything that I worked for all these years, everything I built and everything I planned burned down to ashes with just those three words.

He knows.

"Yes, I know if that's what you're wondering" he laughs and I look up to face him. He looks straight into my eyes "It's game over for your Abhay Dixit and it's time to face your destiny now" he says and he cuts the call.

My hand trembles and the phone falls to the ground. He knows about my identity and he has my family in his captivity.

I lost.

I turn around slowly, my eyes making contact with Rehan's and his expressions show that he knows its the dead end.

I shake his hand firmly, in case things don't end well and it's the last time I'm seeing him.

And then, without thinking any further, I walk to the car that is going to take me to my nightmare.



"Welcome, welcome young man. Welcome to this game of life" Raj Goenka greets me with open arms and hugs me tight as I helplessly try to push him away with my body, my hands handcuffed at the back after the security check.

I want to spit in his face to wipe that smirk off but I know better than that at this moment.

"Let's take you to your family, it's time for the Birla slash Dixit reunion" he laughs in my face as two men push me into the room that used to be my father's home office.

The exact room where I found his cold, dead body.

As I look around, I see Akshara tied up in one corner of the room and Lavanya tied up in the other.

Raj Goenka clears his throat to mimic a TV Show host "Well well well... let's see who all are here at the party this evening...

The very clever, local batman, the punisher of the evil- Mr. Abhimanyu Birlaaa.... oops oops I mean Mr. Abhay Dixit! Ladies and gentlemen, please applaud. Oh wait, the ladies are both tied up, gentlemen, you applaud" he tells his guards and they do.

"Up next is my beloved, the man-luring whore who has not one but two men running behind her. Mrs. Akshara Goenka Birla Dixit. Sweetheart, you have as many surnames as the number of men running behind you to fuck a slut like you! Applaud gentleman" my body shivers from head to toe as I try to control the volcano inside me that wants to burn this man alive.

"And our last attendee for the day, the queen of hide and seek, the filthy blood of God-knows-whom because she was picked up from the garbage can in an orphanage, Miss Lavanya Sehgal, better known as Miss Tara Dixit! Applaud again people!"

My body freezes as I hear that name.

Tara Dixit.

Tara. My Tara. My baby sister Tara.

Lavanya- she's-she's my-

I immediately look at her and in her eyes, I see recognition and pain and Tara.

How did I not notice this earlier?

How did I not know?


And today, today I'm getting to know this when there's a good chance I might never be able to hug my baby sister?

Why did this happen to us?

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