Chapter 19

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Not done guys, you people were too quick to complete the target 😅😂                     

So here's the next chapter for you! ❤️




I hate rain.

Yes, I just hate it.

Whoever thinks they're romantic or anything must be living in another world because for me, whenever something bad happens in my life, rain accompanies it.

The night my mother died in an accident.

The day Ayush was sent to the hostel, even though I myself wanted him to leave this city.

The night after Sandeep first touched me.

And tonight, as I'm going back home.

Home. It's funny how I've started referring to Abhimanyu's place with this name.

I don't even know if I have a home at all.

As the rainfall hits the window pane, I feel a negative air around me.

It took me hours to get up and get myself in a presentable condition.

I have bandages all over my body, my bruises are covered in foundation and I even had to change into a pant-suit to hide my bandages.

Yet, what hurts me the most right now isn't this.

What hurts me is the fact that I will have to wrong Abhimanyu to save Ayush.

Despite everything that Abhimanyu did to make my life hell, I realised that he's not as bad as he wants me to think.

There's a dark secret that he hides, something that made him the way he is.

The driver stops the car in front of the penthouse and I gather all my courage. I'm sorry Abhimanyu, I'm sorry but I have to do this.

I walk up to the penthouse and everything seems so quiet.

Suddenly I hear laughter. Abhimanyu's laughter. But it has an eerie tone to it.

I walk further to find him sprawled on the couch and he looks excessively drunk.

I've never seen him drunk. What happened today?

He gets up and starts talking. "Hello wifeeee" he slurs.

I ask him what's wrong but he just murmurs randomly.

And then, his words hit me like a thunderstorm.

Drug. Cheat. Backstabber. Papers.

My head spins as I realise what's happening.

"You know" I whisper and he smiles sadly

"Bingo sweetheart" he whispers back.

My body trembles as he walks closer to me and then I realise I had been moving back and now my back is against the wall.

The stinking breath of alcohol cringes me and reminds me of my father.

"A-- Abhi- manyu-- pl-please lis-listen"


He throws away his glass and it hits the opposite wall.

"Yes Aksharaaaa, tell me your sweet lies" he whispers in my ear and a shiver runs down my spine. "Tell me that it's all a lie"

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