RT Chapter 3

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Tick tock.

Every moment that I'm spending helplessly here in this factory, the danger looming on the people I care about is increasing tend folds.

Almost an hour ago Abhimanyu sir shook my hand and I could see from his expressions that he was saying goodbye in his own way.

Ever since he left, I've been waiting for the right moment to attack. My team is well trained to handle any situation but we need to wait for the right time.


It's something that I do not have.

My mind again goes back to last night.

My feelings for Lavanya have grown every day ever since that first date. And when she came to my house when I was sick, that just made everything clearer.

I wanted her. I wanted to be with her, I wanted to love her.

For God's sake, I had almost kissed her had it not been for that stupid phone!

In the days that followed, I continued to fall for all things that I found irritating when I met her.

When she fell asleep working in the office one night, I loved how the light from the lamp shone on her green hair.

When she talked non stop without even pausing for breath, I felt like listening to her all day.

When she screamed in anger, I felt like holding her close to me and calming her down.

Such had been her effect on me.

Last night when I dropped her home, I could tell she was anxious.

Like she could sense that something bad is going to happen.

And then out of nowhere, she just turned to me.

"I know you won't believe me when I say this but I think I must tell you how I feel before it's too late.

Something in my heart tells me that I might not get to say this again and I don't want to live with any regrets" she gulped as she walked closer to me.

"I lost my family years ago and ever since, I've found it difficult to trust anyone. But with you, trust comes naturally. You make me feel safe Rehan and I love that feeling.

But more than that... I love you. I love you Rehan"

I stayed absolutely silent as she poured her heart out to me. I wanted to tell her that I love her too but my instincts didn't allow me to.

With danger of all sorts looming over us, it was best she stayed away from me, that way she'd be safe.

I took a deep breath before the lie spilled out of my mouth "I'm sorry Lavanya, I wish I could tell you that I feel the same... but I don't"

And then without looking back, because I knew that once I looked at her I won't be able to keep up with this lie, I got into the car and drove off.

Now that she has been held captive by Raj Goenka, I realise how wrong I was.

She's still unsafe, even though I told her no.

And worse, she's in physical pain but I know that the emotional pain I gave her is much more.

I'm sorry Lavanya.

Please God, give me one chance to tell her I love her.



I kick the door and the site that greets me leaves me horrified.

There on the floor, lying half naked is the woman I love.

And there, with his filthy hand on her shoulder, stands Raj Goenka.

At that moment, I see RED.

I run towards Lavanya and immediately remove my shirt to cover her up.

I turn towards Raj Goenka and attack him. I continuously punch him, blood gushing from the monster's face.

"How" punch ."Dare" punch. "You" punch. "Touch" punch. "My" punch. "Girl" punch.

I punch him over and over again, making sure his face will not be recognised ever again.

With a final blow, I leave him unconscious.

"Take care of him" I tell the security team and then run towards Lavanya.

I place my head in her lap as I cry my heart out while she remains unreactive.

"I'm sorry I didn't come here early, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that and I'm sorry that I'm saying this now when you deserved it way earlier and in a better manner but I love you too Lavanya" I tell her, not wanting to spend another moment without saying those words.

"I'm sorry I denied it last night when you opened your heart out to me and I've regretted my decision ever since. Please forgive me Lavanya, please give me another chance, I don't want to lose you. Never again"

I look up at her and I finally see a glimmer of light in her eyes.

Just then, Abhimanyu sir comes running to hug Lavanya and she addresses him as "bhaiyya" leaving me confused.

All my attention is on her when suddenly my eyes catch the attention of Raj Goenka who has a gun pointed towards Abhimanyu sir.

"Sirrrrrrrr" I scream as I jump before him and the last thing I see before my eyes get closed is Lavanya's horrified face.




It feels like it's been a million years since Rehan closed his eyes after saying the words I'd been dying to hear.

The world around me looks normal but my heart feels completely empty.

"Excuse me, Mr. Birla. The patient has woken up" a nurse says, bringing me back from the depths of my despair.

I blindly run to Rehan's room and hug him, his wounds making it a little difficult for me to hold him tightly.

Rehan closes the gap between us and kisses me on the lips and I passionately kiss him back.

I hear a grunt from behind me and I realise that there are others in the room too.

Soon Rehan gets to know that Abhimanyu bhaiyya is my brother and a comic scene ensues.

Some time later when Rehan falls asleep, I look at him and then at my newly found family.

My family is now complete and there's nothing more I can ask for!




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