Chapter 52

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"I love you Abhimanyu Birla, I love you so much"


The sound of the gunshot leaves a deafening silence.

Blood creeps down my neck and I fall to the ground.

Maybe it's over for good, I don't feel any pain now.

Faint sounds of doors banging.

Gunshot. Several more gunshots.

"Aksharaaaaa" Abhimanyu's scream brings me back to reality and I feel the weight of a hundred kilos on me.

I open my eyes to see that the man who was holding a gun over my head now lay dead, his cold, dead body fallen onto mine while I remain suppressed on the floor by his weight.

His blood is all over me but surprisingly, I don't feel anything at this moment.

Dozens of pairs of feet are visible to me but I really am not sure what's happening.

Suddenly I feel a set of arms move the lifeless body away from me and pick me up and into his arms.

"Abhiii" I whisper.

"Ahhhhh" I hear a scream and turn to my left to see Rehan continuously punch Raj Goenka, blood gushing from the monster's face.

"How" punch ."Dare" punch. "You" punch. "Touch" punch. "My" punch. "Girl" punch.

I notice Rehan's naked chest and I immediately turn to find Tara crouched up in the corner, her body covered with Rehan's shirt.

"Akshara, are you okay?" I look at Abhimanyu, blood splattered all over him but who am I to complain when I've practically bathed in the enemy's blood.

Rehan on the other hand is unstoppable as he makes sure that Raj Goenka's face will not be recognised ever again.

With a final blow, we hear the cracking of a bone as Rehan leaves him unconscious.

"Take care of him" Rehan tells the security team and I turn to see an exhibition of dead bodies, lined up on all sides. The enemy's army lies dead and it takes me a good amount of time to digest that fact.

"I'm sorry" I hear as Rehan runs to Tara and kneels down in front of her, his head in her lap as he cries his heart out.

She looks completely lifeless and my heart knows how she's feeling as I cry for her.

"I'm sorry I didn't come here early, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that and I'm sorry that I'm saying this now when you deserved it way earlier and in a better manner but I love you too Lavanya"

I see Tara's eyes finally show a glimmer of life as she looks at Rehan and tears fall down her eyes.

"I'm sorry I denied it last night when you opened your heart out to me and I've regretted my decision ever since. Please forgive me Lavanya, please give me another chance, I don't want to lose you. Never again" he cries and cries and for the first time I see Rehan, the human being and not Rehan, the officer.

Tara stays quiet but she holds on to him tightly, her actions answering clearer than any words would at the moment.

I feel a hand wrap around my arm as Abhimanyu wraps a handkerchief around my bleeding arm and then repeats the same with my other arm.

"Abhi" I touch the wounds on his chest and he flinches in pain.

"Abhiii" I cry as I blow air on his wounds, making useless efforts to relieve him from his pain.

"Shh... shh. No crying anymore. It's time to make someone else cry now Akshara" he says as he walks, rather limps towards Raj Goenka's unconscious body and he places his foot on that bastard's face and crushes it as a roar leaves his chest.

He then turns towards Tara and for a minute, they just look at each other. No words are exchanged but they don't even need to be. She then gets up, leaving Rehan confused and runs into Abhimanyu's arms who wraps his arms tightly around her and they cry their heart out.

"I never thought I'd see you again" Abhimanyu cries as his eight years of search comes to an end.

"I tried to find you bhaiyya..." she hiccups as she cries "I- I missed you" she sobs into his chest and I realise I'm crying too.


Seeing these two reminds me of my little brother and I want nothing more than to go home and hug him.

"Bhaiyya?" Rehan asks, his expressions twisted.

"She's-" Abhimanyu's words are cut in between as a painful cry takes our attention to Raj Goenka who seems to be gaining consciousness.

Abhimanyu immediately turns and walks over to him and places his foot on his neck, applying pressure to choke him.

"I will not kill you Raj Shekhar Goenka, I will not let you die so easily. You will pay for your sins, one at a time and when you can just not take it anymore, when you beg for mercy, beg for death, that's when I will get the perfect revenge."

"Kill me Birla. Kill me right now because if you don't, you'll regret it" Raj Goenka laughs, blood seeping out from his mouth.

"Ahhh" Abhimanyu punches his gut and he vomits out more blood. Abhimanyu then spits in his face and two of our men hold Raj Goenka in place.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's expression changes to reflect horror and he comes running to me.

"The baby... our baby is safe, right? Please tell me our baby is safe Akshara" he says as he places his hand over my stomach.

"How– I mean you–"

"Sudha ji told me" his eyes are full of tears. "I'm sorry-"

"I'm not pregnant Abhi. I went to the doctor but I found out that I'm not pregnant" Tears roll down my cheeks as I look down in embarrassment.

"Thank God!" he says and I look up immediately, a little hurt by his relief.

Does he not want-

"Because when we have kids, and I promise you we'll have so many, I want them to come into this world, far far away from the shadows of this mess" he says as he kisses my forehead, taking away all my unnecessary doubts.

I still have to tell him about the complications but that can wait for now.

"Sirrrrrrrr" A piercing scream echoes as in a mili-second a hundred things happen.

The sound of a gun loading.

A gunshot.

And then a horrific site.

Raj Goenka had a poisonous syringe somewhere in his pocket that is now stabbed into the leg of the man who was holding him.

There's a gun in his hand, smoke still coming out of it.

And it is pointing in our direction.

But in Abhimanyu's place, the one to take the bullet to his chest was now lying lifeless on the ground.

"Rehaaaaaaan" Tara's horrific scream is the last thing I hear before I black out. 



Author's Note: 

Dun. dun. dun. 

The drama continues...

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