Chapter 48

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I woke up with the sun rays hitting my face and found the other side of the bed empty.

I wonder why Akshara woke up early even when she wasn't well last night.

Just then my phone rings and Rehan's words make me rise up to my feet instantly.

I immediately get ready and run downstairs and after having a small conversation with Akshara, I leave for the location that Rehan had sent to me.

When I reached the parking of what seemed to be a small, shady building, I met Rehan there.

"Sir, we've been around this entire building multiple times but there's nothing here. No people, no equipments, nothing. Just a store room full of crap" he says in an exhausted tone.

"Then how did Lavanya trace the location of the software login to this place last night?"

"Probably they shifted their base" he replies and I take a full round of the area, inspecting it for any clues but I find none.

"I'm going to the office Rehan, let me know if there are any other updates" I tell him before I make my way to the office.

I spend the next two hours inspecting the photos of the building that Rehan took but it seems to be an absolute waste of time.

Just then my phone rings and an unknown number pops up on my screen.

"Abhay" I hear her disgusting voice and I immediately want to cut the call.

"Abhay, don't you dare cut the call because if you do, the truth about your identity will be out in the press within the next one minute. I've already prepared the mail with your college time photographs as proofs. If the press gets to know about it, they'll dig deep. And then, they'll find out your reality"

Her words send a shiver down my spine. She's fucking blackmailing me!

But at this point, if Raj Goenka gets to know any of this, my life will be destroyed and I will never be able to put that man in jail.

"What do you want from me Samaira?" I try to calm myself.

"I'm right outside your office building, your guards aren't letting me in as per your orders. You have five minutes to come down and meet me. Five minutes Abhay, because after that I won't just talk" she says and cuts the call.

I can't believe this characterless woman has resorted to blackmailing now!

As I walk towards the gate, I try to find a way to calm her down. I need to make sure she keeps her mouth shut at all costs!

When I reach her, her face lights up with a smile that could easily fool people. But not me.

"You say you love me Samaira, and here you are, blackmailing me" I grind my teeth in anger.

"I love you Ab- Abhimanyu but you've left me no choice. I asked for one thing, just one thing in return- a little part of your love. But you insulted me!" she cries "And now, I want all of it. I want you Abhimanyu and if I don't get you, I'll destroy everything!"

"Samaira please" I close my eyes in frustration and helplessness. And that instant, I feel the worst sensation of my life. Samaira has jumped on to kiss me and as her lips touch mine, I feel like puking.

I take just a minor second to react but as soon as I open my eyes, I make contact with a familiar set of eyes.


I immediately push Samaira away as I had intended to but the look on Akshara's face shatters my heart into a million fucking pieces.

Oh God. NO NO NO.

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