Chapter 22

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My hands tremble as I look at those papers.


"Your lawyer dropped these off this morning for Akshara"

How did I forget that?

Why didn't I remind Rehan to stop that process?

Oh God, when the papers reached Akshara, what was her reaction?

No, no, no.

This can't be happening.

She's not here, she went away.

And it's not even safe out there for her.

Why does my chest hurt like something just broke inside me?

I look at the bottom and see Akshara's name signed on it.

She divorced me.

She really did.

"Sir" I look up and see Sudha ji and Rehan looking at me with sympathy, with pity and I feel so weak.

I take the letter from Sudha ji and run up to my room.

I close the door and fall to the ground, my hands trembling with anxiety.

I look at the paper in my hand and I know it's important that I read it.

I slowly open it and her neat handwriting appears before me.


I wouldn't lie by saying that meeting you was an honour. I mean we both know how much we hated each other, right?

But I want to tell you that despite everything that happened between us, I think of you as a blessing in my life.

You once told me that you've trapped me in your castle but what you did not know was that your captivity was freedom for me.

For the first time in the past so many years, I did not get beaten up by that man for as long as a month! And for me, that itself was a big thing.

You say you're new to being a monster but honestly, I don't think you did that job too well.

You tried, I must say but somewhere within you, deep in your heart, is purity, something that doesn't let you turn into a monster.

I saw that purity when you rescued me that night, when you beat up that man for me, when you took care of me, when you made sure that every little thing helped me move on from that trauma...

If you think I did not notice your little acts of kindness, you're wrong. Under layers and layers of forced and deliberate meanness lies your warm and fragile heart. I think I saw glimpses of it when I saw you at the party with those little girls.

You promised me that you'd destroy my life Abhimanyu but you've done exactly the opposite.

You made it better in every sense.

I think my heart somewhere forgives you for all that you had done. I forgive you Abhimanyu and I'm thankful for all you've done for me.

When you brought Ayush to me this morning, you erased all your past mistakes and you indebted me for life. I look forward to the day when I can repay you in any form.

Honestly, when I received the divorce papers this morning, I was a little shocked. Maybe because I didn't expect you to set me free. I don't even know if I wanted to be free, honestly.

But it made me realise that you helped me make a really tough decision, one I would not have been able to make on my own.

I know we never had an actual marriage, but I'm signing these papers and setting you free too. I hope you find the love that you deserve and the light that you need.

I will be taking Ayush to a far off place and will be starting off a new life with him. For years, I had made plans for this day but I didn't know it would come so soon, so thank you again for making my dream come true.

I will never forget what you've done for me Abhimanyu. I will be throwing my phone away so there's no way for us to be in touch (not like you'd even want to be) but wherever I am, I will always wish the best for you.

Lastly, I don't know why you hated me in the first place, I wish I did so I could make things better. But I know why I hated you. I hated you for being the man you were when we met. But as I walk away today, I know you're not truly that person. You are better. And so, I don't hate you anymore.

Thank you once again.

Goodbye Abhimanyu.


I did not even realise when I started crying...

The paper that held those words was now wet with tears of sorrow, guilt and repentance.

I set you free Akshara, then why do I feel like I'm trapped myself...

I wanted to be your captor, at what point did I become captivated?

And now that you've forgiven me, my heart still aches.


If the guilt has subsided, what is still hurting me?

Why am I not happy that you've forgiven me?

Why does this freedom feel like a punishment?

When there existed nothing between us, what is the loss I'm mourning for?



Author's Note:

Hey, all you lovlies.

Since you've all been so kind to me, I decided to give you a bonus update!

It's a shorter one, I know but it's also a really important one!

Hope you liked it!

Good night, see ya tomorrow!

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