Chapter 9

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I had been trying hard to tell myself that this emotion I'm feeling is something else, but I cannot deny it anymore.

I feel guilty and I hate it.

I'm angry that I feel guilty when I shouldn't.

She deserves the pain, right? So why do I feel guilty now?

I look at Akshara's pale face and something inside me breaks. I just hope what's breaking is not my resolve to get revenge.

It had been three days since we came to Paris. After that incident in my room the other night, Akshara did not say even a single word to me.

The suite had been absolutely silent, like she didn't even exist.

But then last evening, I got a call from a very important client and his wife invited Akshara and me to their place for dinner. I wanted to say no but I couldn't, I really needed that contract.

When I told Akshara that she would have to accompany me, she said a clear NO.

One would expect her to be a little more obedient after our little talk, but she just said no and locked herself in her room.

"You would have to do something in return for me" she told me and as much as I hated this attitude of hers, I had no choice.

She made me praise her in front of the client's wife!

She began telling them about our 'love story' and how I begged her to be my wife.

Beg her? My foot!

I had to endure that silently but I knew I wouldn't let it go this time.

She needed to be punished so she'd know her place.

When we were going back to the hotel, I asked the driver to stop the car on the side. Their home had been on the end of a quiet street, with barely anyone out on the cold night.

"Out" I told her and she looked completely shocked.


"I said get out!" I opened the door and glared at her until she stepped out.

Before she could grab her bag, I locked the door and asked the driver to start the car. I saw her screaming and running after me but she didn't even last for a minute.

Satisfied, I left the place and waited for her in the suite.

Two hours passed and she still didn't come back. For a minute I thought she ran away but her documents were here so I knew she couldn't.

Another half an hour later she walked into the suite, her face all red and her teeth chattering.

Looks like she didn't even get a cab. Good.

I thought she would fight with me but she just quietly went into her room and I went into mine.

Next morning, she didn't wake up till noon but I didn't ask.

Some time later, as I tried to open the bathroom door, I found it to be locked.

I waited for a few minutes but when it still didn't open, I knocked at it, first slowly and then furiously.

But I received no response whatsoever.

I stormed into her room to give her a piece of my mind but then I saw her lying unconscious on the bathroom floor.

I quickly ran to her and as soon as I touched her, she was burning. She had a really high fever and she didn't even wake up when I sprinkled water on her.

I quickly called the doctor who gave her an injection and gave me medicines to feed her when she woke up.

That was two hours ago and she still hasn't woken up.

Now as I sit here with my guilt eating at me, I wonder what's wrong with me.

I wanted her to suffer, didn't I?

So why does it not give me relief?

Why does her pain not give me peace? 



Author's Note: Hi Guys, I'm sorry I know this is a short chapter but I'll make up for it. 

Also an important note: I know many of you are hating this Abhimanyu and rightly so. But trust me, he will improve and he will have to earn Akshara's forgiveness. 

He isn't a bad person, his situations have disrupted his emotions. 

So don't worry, things will fall into place eventually. 

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