Chapter 1- Loose News

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Chapter Description: Stiles's friends his offput demeanor and try to make attempts to help him through it.

Stiles took three deep breaths and picked up the ball in his hand net. He stared at his target as if it would move if he looked long enough. He threw the ball and... It missed. Again. Stiles angrily threw the net at the tree while growling. He slumped down on the grass in a sitting position.


Stiles looked up to see his best friend and partner in crime, Scott, walking up to him, grinning.

            "What was that? That was almost depressing to watch," Scott taunted.

            "Bite me," Stiles said, rolling his eyes.


            "No, dumbass," Stiles snapped.

Scott finally realized something was bothering Stiles.

            "What's wrong," Scott asked, concerned.

            "Nothing, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired, is all," Stiles sighed, standing up.

            "Does this have to do with your father telling you your stepbrothers were showing up today," Scott asked.

Stiles looked at Scott confused. He had never told Scott about his brothers showing up.

            "I'm a werewolf, dude. Plus, you were weirding me out with how silent you stayed during class today," Scott shrugged.

Stiles gave Scott a signature bitchface that he mastered incredibly well.

            "Do you know their names at least," Scott asked.

            "Nope," Stiles said, "My dad never spoke about them. He didn't even say their name when he was on the phone with them. But it was odd. It's almost like he was scared of them or something."

            "Are you? Are you scared of them," Scott asked, "Honestly?"

            "After dealing with half the shit that involved you and my boyfriend, I think they should be afraid of us," Stiles teased with a smile.

            "Hell, yeah, they should be," Scott said, smiling, "I bet they'll be freaked if they even saw Derek angry."

            "I mean, you were."

Derek strolled onto the field, coolly. He looked upset until his eyes landed on Stiles. That's when a smile grew on his face. Derek grabbed Stiles and kissed him. Scott cleared his throat loudly to let them know he was still there.

            "Sorry, it's just that I'm still here and, uh, kind of feeling awkward," Scott said, knitting his eyebrows and pressing his lips together, uneasily.

            "Then leave. Problem solved," Derek said.

            "Derek," Stiles warned.

Derek looked at Stiles and shrugged.

            "Fine. I'll go," Scott said, not wanting to see an argument break out with Stiles and Derek, "I'll see you after school, Stiles."

            "My brothers are going to be here," Stiles said.

            "Duh! That's the whole point," Scott said, smiling evilly, "Later, loser!"

Stiles grinned. He knew that if he had to choose between who his brothers were Scott would definitely be in first place for that role.

            "Brothers," Derek asked, "I didn't know you had brothers."

            "I would've told you but I barely know their names," Stiles sighed, "Plus, my dad didn't tell me about them until this morning. Like he's scared of them."

            "Are they dangerous," Derek asked, looking at Stiles.

            "Not as dangerous as you or Scott and we all know Scott is practically a puppy most of the time," Stiles teased.

Derek laughed lightly. He grabbed Stiles's hand.

            "Well, in case you feel some type of way, just call me," Derek said, "You have my number for a reason, babe."

            "Thanks, Der," Stiles said, smiling as Derek planted a kiss on his forehead.

Derek left since it was time for Stiles to go back to class. His free period was up.

Stiles sat in class behind Isaac. Isaac slipped him a note. Stiles read it.

            "You good?"

Stiles tilted his head in confusion and wrote a note back before passing it.

            "Yeah. Why?"

            "You reek of stress," Isaac wrote back.

            "Thanks for the compliment, jerk," Stiles wrote.

            "Seriously, what's up," Isaac replied.

            "I have brothers coming over after school. It's stressing me out quite a bit," Stiles wrote.

            "Mr. Stilinski and Mr. Lahey, would you both like to share with the class," the teacher asked, calling them out in front of everyone.

            "No. It's kind of really private. That's why we weren't speaking out loud," Stiles replied.

The class laughed as the teacher grew an annoyed look on his face.

            "Well, why don't you bring up the little notes you were passing and read them out loud for everyone to hear then," the teacher said, "Since you felt the need to take up some of our time already."

Isaac and Stiles slowly made their way to the board to read their notes. The class listened and laughed at some of the notes' words. When they finished they sat back down.

            "Feel free to either make up your disturbance with after-school detention or lunch detention," the teacher barked just as the bell rang.

Stiles packed up and walked out of the room with Isaac by his side.

            "So brothers? Like plural? Like multiple brothers are coming here," Isaac asked.

            "Two but yeah," Stiles said, "And no I don't know their names."

            "Well, why are you so stressed," Isaac asked, "It can't be that bad, right?"

            "Literally every time someone says that in this town something worse happens," Stiles said.

            "Well, I have an idea," Isaac smiled, running off.

Stiles grumbled bitterly under his breath. He never likes when one of his friends claims to have an idea. Most of the time the idea ends up being a fucking disaster.

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