Chapter 10- Shop Til You Drop

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Warning: Sexual Content

Chapter Description: Lucifer and Peter go shopping and end up being a nuisance to each other. However, the tension turns into something more as their trip continues.

Lucifer and Peter walked through a clothing store. Peter was looking at some V-neck t-shirts. Lucifer at first was looking at jackets that he thought would like nice on Scott but saw Peter hesitating to buy something. Although he was in front of the v necks he was secretly wondering if he would look nice in a turtleneck outfit that was behind the rack of shirts he was examining. But it also made him wonder if he should avoid it since the last time he wore a turtleneck he was hell-bent on revenge. Lucifer moved behind Peter causing the werewolf to freeze in place.

"That looks nice but I think a turtleneck would look better," Lucifer said as Peter turned his way, "I think it would look pretty classy on you."

"Why would I care," Peter asked, lowering his head slightly, "What color turtleneck? Just out of curiosity though. Not because I actually think it matters or anything."

"Of course," Lucifer smiled, "How about the black one over there?"

Lucifer pointed to the very same turtleneck Peter was thinking about. Peter glanced at it briefly before Lucifer went to grab it for Peter to try on. Lucifer grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him to the changing room.

"Try it on," Lucifer commanded.

"You're in the room with me though," Peter said.

"Just try it on," Lucifer said, rolling his eyes.

Peter paused for a split second until he slowly started lifting his shirt off of his body. Lucifer stared at the beautiful skin covering him. His build was also so... Lean but slim. Peter started putting the turtleneck on. When he finished he raised his arms like he was showing the shirt off.

"Well, what do you think," Peter asked.

"You're amazingly attractive," Lucifer said, completely forgetting the shirt was the topic of discussion, "You're just as beautiful as an angel. It's stunning. I almost have no words, which is rare because most of the time I can't shut up."

Peter laughed and put his head down as he did so. Lucifer realized that Peter was showing slight signs of trust by doing that. Peter putting his head down left his eyesight defenseless for a bit in front of him. Peter didn't trust Lucifer completely obviously but that was a step in him showing that he wanted to trust him. Lucifer stepped closer to Peter who had already looked up.


Lucifer pinned Peter up to the wall and hovered his lips over Peter's. Peter stared down at Lucifer's lips as well, desiring to kiss in a heated mess. But Lucifer only allowed close contact and nothing more, making Peter sexually frustrated. Lucifer pushed his leg in-between Peter's causing his body to react instantly to the simple contact of the fallen angel. Lucifer leaned into Peter's ear.

"I thought so," Lucifer whispered before moving away from Peter completely.

Peter was stuck standing there, speechless and confused about what happened. Peter left the dressing room to find Lucifer but didn't see him. So he went back to the dressing room and changed back into his regular shirt. He walked out with the turtleneck in hand and was making his way over to where he got it from. He felt a little saddened by Lucifer's sudden departure. Just as Peter reached the rack Lucifer grabbed his hand and teleported him out of the store.

"What the," Peter said, looking at the hand and who it connected him to, "Lucifer we forgot to pay for the turtleneck."

"What do you mean," Lucifer asked, ripping the tag off, "I don't see a tag on it."

Lucifer winked at Peter. Peter slowly smiled and shook his head.

"Come on," Lucifer said, leading Peter to another store.

Peter followed silently. He honestly just enjoyed the coldness of Lucifer's hand in his. It was odd but he felt welcome by it. Peter was usually heated due to his werewolf factor but Lucifer's hand was the polar opposite.

"Too cold," Lucifer asked, reading his mind about the feeling of Lucifer's cold skin on his.

"No. Not at all," Peter said, coolly.

Lucifer stopped in front of a display. It was necklaces with wolf pendants on them. Peter examined them and felt amused.

"Wolf pendants on necklaces," Peter asked, turning to Lucifer.

"Too cheesy," Lucifer asked.

Peter laughed lightly.

"It's cute," Peter said, "But I'm a beast. I don't do cute..."

Peter sighed deeply as Lucifer grinned with a howling wolf necklace in his hands.

"I'm so never going to hear the end of this one," Peter muttered.

That's when another rack of necklaces caught his eye. Peter smiled evilly as he found the perfect way to get revenge on the devil.

They left the store with a wolf and angel necklace in their hands. Lucifer was now grumbling, irritated. Lucifer pulled Peter into an alley.

"You think you're clever don't you," Lucifer asked, pressing Peter against the wall of a building.

"Why? Do you not like the gift I picked for you," Peter said, innocently, "I think it matches your personality."

Peter tried to move but Lucifer pushed him back.

"You're irritating," Lucifer said.

"And you're annoying," Peter said, "Are we even now?"

"Bite me. Show those big bad fangs, little annoying wolf," Lucifer snapped.

Peter snarled and lunged at Lucifer's neck, biting him. Lucifer stiffened but groaned. Peter thought he was doing damage. He didn't like having feelings anyway. Especially for someone that matched his sarcasm and attitude perfectly. However, when Lucifer started dry-humping Peter, he realized his plan terribly backfired.

Peter let go of Lucifer's neck but Lucifer just pushed him against the wall again to hump him more deeply.

"Fuck, Peter," Lucifer breathed.

Peter knew he was beet red at the moment but didn't stop Lucifer from grinding against him.

"I got to..."

Lucifer forced himself to push away from Peter. Peter stared at him but said nothing.

"I'm sorry about that," Lucifer apologized, "I shouldn't have done that to you without consent."

"It's fine," Peter mumbled.

"Are you alright," Lucifer asked, sincerely.

Peter swallowed thickly as dirty thoughts crept in.

"Not exactly," Peter said.

"Is there a way I can make it up to you," Lucifer asked.

"Yeah," Peter said as desire took over making his eyes glow blue, "There is one way actually."

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