Chapter 33- Chuck Shurley

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Chapter Description: As Stiles lies in the hospital room fighting for his life, the others around him began pointing fingers, feeling remorse, and more. But one realizes why Stiles isn't healing as he should.

Lucifer sat at the edge of the hospital bed, silently. He should've been actively watching Stiles as he promised. Maybe this and so much more would never have happened to the poor kid... His poor kid. What he didn't understand however is why he was incapable of healing Stiles. It was like something was blocking his angelic powers... Or someone. Lucifer turned to Stiles again and placed his hand on his head again. Lucifer's eyes widened as he realized he's felt that power before.

"Father," Lucifer whispered, "What are you doing to the Young Winchester?"

Noah stormed into the hospital and saw Dean and Sam sitting there. Dean stood up to face Noah, who walked up to him.

"Noah, we tried to call as soon as..."

Noah punched Dean in the nose and kept trying to hit him, but Chris grabbed Noah as Sam grabbed Dean.

"You did this! You did this, you son of a bitch! I just got my son back and you're trying to kill him again," Noah shouted, still attempting to reach Dean.

Chris grabbed Noah's pressure point near his shoulder and held it tightly until he went limp. Chris kept a hold of the sheriff so he didn't hit the floor.

"Sam, a little help," Chris said.

Sam picked Noah up and helped carry him to Chris's car so he could drive him home. Dean lowered his head in shame knowing Noah was right. It could have been prevented if Dean just refused to take the kid in the first place.

Stiles sat on the couch, staring at the man with curly brown locks. He said his name was God but preferred to be called Chuck. Stiles kept staring at him, uncertainly. Chuck just sat there waiting for everything to finish sinking in.

"So, why are you talking to me again," Stiles asked, "I mean you claimed that I'm not dead. So why can't I wake up? Am I in a coma or something?"

"No, Stiles," Chuck reassured, "You're not dead. You are unconscious at the moment though. You're being treated and my son is in the room with you..."

"Michael," Stiles asked nervously.

"No. The one who took interest in you as a guardian angel," Chuck said, "Lucifer. He's in there with you... Making sure you're okay. Although he can't heal you at the moment."

"Why," Stiles asked.

"Because I'm preventing him from doing so," Chuck said, "Stiles, you were supposed to be dead by now. I'm the one keeping you alive. So when you awake, I'll be the one to do so. Until then, we need to talk."

"What do you want from me? What could you of all people possibly want from me," Stiles asked, now getting angry.

"I need your help..."

"Look, God or Chuck or whatever," Stiles said, standing up, "You need something from me but where were you when I needed your help, huh? When I called out to you to help my mother?! She died and I was alone! I was by my fucking self watching nurses and doctors rush to her room to make failed attempts at saving my mother..."

Stiles started crying.

"My mom is dead. My father is stressed out of his mind. I'm dealing with bullshit I shouldn't be dealing with at my age, dammit," Stiles shouted, "And yet now God wants to ask for my help after all the crap I had to put up with?! So once again, who are you to ask for my help!? If you want to kill me then hurry up and do it already but unless you show proof of actually giving a fuck, you can kiss my ass."

Chuck looked hurt at hearing Stiles pour his resented feelings out to him. He felt guilty for not being there for someone like Stiles.

"I'll let you wake up now," Chuck said quietly.

He snapped his fingers, making a bright light shine overtake the room they were inside.

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