Chapter 49- Troubled Child

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Warnings: Sexual Content

Chapter Description: After an odd conversation, Noah and Klaus talk, leading to Noah bonding with Stiles on a deeper level.

Noah went to use the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He thought he was alone but when he turned around with his pants were already down and his cock was out, Klaus was sitting there. He was also using the bathroom with his pants down. Although Noah assumed he was going number two since he was sitting instead of standing up and aiming.

"Well, this is awkward," Klaus sighed as he finished using the bathroom as well.

Noah was more confused that Klaus was actually using the bathroom. He still drew wonders to his mind that supernatural creatures require the need to use their bladders for some reason. If he was being honest he's always had a slight struggle with understanding the supernatural anyway.

"You have to use the bathroom," Noah asked curiously, "I mean, it's a requirement for even hybrids?"

Klaus looked stuck that Noah was asking such a question than offended. Mainly because he's never been questioned about that before. He knew the answer but still, it was surprising that the man was wondering about that despite both of their pants down in the same closed-in room.

"Yes? Hybrids also have bladders," Klaus said, "Did you think we regurgitate our food?"

Noah tilted his head as if saying maybe. Klaus chuckled as he stood up, now amused by the whole situation.

"No. I have a penis and asshole just like you," Klaus smirked.

"Sorry. Still learning a bit about the Supernatural," Noah sighed, "Especially considering that I'm partnered with an angel that doesn't use the bathroom despite also having the same body members."

Klaus nodded as a way of saying he understood why the question was being asked now while washing his hands.

"I should get going," Klaus said, after drying his hands, "It was lovely to have such an odd conversation with you, Sheriff..."

Klaus had to walk past the man to leave. He stopped right behind him to lean into Noah's ear.

"Also I must say that I'm shocked by how thick in size you are down there," Klaus whispered suggestively, "I'm starting to wonder why you don't have many potential partners with a cock like that."

Klaus walked out smiling at Noah, who was beet red. Noah finally breathed after the door closed and sighed in embarrassment. He almost forgot that he was supposed to be using the bathroom.

When Noah was finished he noticed Klaus sitting at a table by himself, watching Jack talk to Ethan. He also had what looked like a cup of whiskey in front of him. Noah walked closer to the hybrid.

"Don't do it," Noah muttered to himself, "Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it."

Before he knew it he was sitting beside Klaus pouring himself a drink as well. Klaus glanced over, smiling at the older man before turning back to his son.

"Jack is a really sweet kid," Noah said, "You raised him right."

"I raised him to avoid confrontation as much as possible," Klaus said, "Kindness and innocence were picked up along the way to protect others. It's not something I would usually suggest but with Jack, he has to avoid fights when he can."

"He's powerful too, isn't he," Noah asked.

"You have no idea," Klaus said, "He was really bad when I first found him. Scared, angry, and confused. His eyes were glowing orange and wouldn't stop. Every loud sound made him react violently. He nearly destroyed a whole forest when a thunderstorm rolled overhead for the first time."

"How'd you help him calm down," Noah asked.

"I tried to understand," Klaus said, "Even if I didn't understand I still made an effort to. Whenever he felt like he was too dangerous to stay with me I reminded him of my promise."

"You mind if I asked what you promised him," Noah asked.

Klaus glanced at Noah from the side of his eyes, silently questioning whether he should tell Noah or not. Klaus noticed that Noah had the striking scent of anxiety and stress coming off of him.

"I promised him that I'll help him, raise him, and give him an actual childhood," Klaus said, "I promised him all that and more, whether it killed me or not. I promised him to be a father before ever being anything else to anyone else."

Noah lowered his gaze to the cup in front of him.

"That helped calm him," Noah asked.

"Sometimes the best way to help a troubled child is to give them undying loyalty," Klaus smiled, "It gives them a reason to keep going because they know someone is on their side knowing that they tried their best even when they fail."

Noah felt tears surface and downed his drink, burning the walls of his throat in the process, before getting up and walking out. He went to the library section and sat down to read a random book. He did it to try to bury his emotions but all it did was make his tears fall on the page without stopping. Noah started gulping on air as he cried.

He thought he was by himself crying until he felt familiar arms wrap around him. He looked up to see Stiles hugging him gently with a smile.

"Don't worry, Dad," Stiles smiled, "You still got me."

That made Noah cry even harder as he knew that saying very well when Stiles's mother died. He clung onto Stiles, wetting his shirt with his tears. He grabbed Stiles's face softly.

"I want you to know something Stiles," Noah said, sniffling, "I know we may not be blood-related. But I will always be your father, understand? I will always be proud to call you my son. No matter what happens you will always be my little boy. My little mischief."

Stiles smiled with a shaky breath as his own eyes welled up with tears.

"Thank you," Stiles croaked, hugging him again.

Noah looked up, feeling eyes watching them. He saw Jack and Klaus standing with a knowing smile. Klaus had his arm wrapped around Jack's shoulders. Klaus ruffled his son's short hair with his other hand. Finally, they walked away leaving the sheriff and his son alone to have their bonding moment.

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