Chapter 3- Supernatural By Carver Edlund

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Chapter Description: Stiles and his friends find out who Dean and Sam truly are. And it turns out to be worse than they thought when one of them recognizes the Winchesters.

Stiles sat in his room with everyone as they started researching everything about Sam and Dean while talking to him.

"You going to be okay," Lydia asked.

"I'll be fine. It's just a bit weird," Stiles said, "These guys obviously aren't my age so why would they show up now? Do they want money or something? What?"

"I think I figured it out," Danny said, "But it's not going to be very pleasant."

"When has anything been pleasant about new people showing up here," Derek sassed.

"He has a point," Lydia said.

Danny showed them what he found.

"Supernatural? A book called Supernatural," Stiles asked.

"Look closer at the description," Danny said.

"Sam and Dean Winchester," Scott said.

"Oh my god," Allison said.

"What? You know them," Cora asked.

"Not exactly. Only about them," Allison said, "They're hunters. The most notorious and dangerous anyone has ever seen and heard about. They make Gerard and Kate look like amateurs. These guys have hunted all sorts of crazy monsters. My dad was always so fond of them and even said he wanted an autograph. Sam and Dean are exactly a monster's worst nightmare."

"So basically, the same way humans tell scary stories around campfires about urban legends and monsters," Ethan said, "Monsters would tell the same stories about these two brothers?"

"Yeah," Allison said.

"They look harmless though," Scott said.

"So do you but you literally grow fangs and claws," Allison said.

"We're not asking the real question which is why they're here," Derek said, "Are they here for a vacation or to hunt?"

There was a knock on the door just then and Stiles scrambled to his feet while Danny quickly got rid of the evidence he found. Stiles turned around to make sure everything was okay before answering the door. Sam stood there and smiled at him.

"Hi," Sam said, "I was hoping I could come in?"

Stiles turned around again and they nodded. Then Stiles moved to let him in the room. Sam stayed standing but Aiden moved so Sam could sit. Sam thanked him before sitting down.

"You have really long hair," Isaac said.

"Uh, yeah," Sam chuckled.

"It looks really silky and smooth," Lydia said, "Can I touch it?"

"Sure, I guess," Sam said.

Lydia moved so she could touch Sam's hair. While doing so she also tried to see if she could hear any voices telling her anything about Sam. But she heard nothing. Which was completely odd since even when there's nothing there's always something. Even if just very faint far whispers. But there weren't any. Like they were scared of something... Or him.

"You done," Sam asked.

"Oh yeah. Sorry," Lydia apologized before walking back over to Aiden.

Sam looked at Stiles and smiled. Stiles gave an evil glare in return. Derek grabbed Stiles's hand.

"You okay," Derek asked.

"I'm fine," Stiles said.

"So uh, what are you guys doing? Or up to," Sam asked.

"What are you? My father..."

"Stiles," Scott interrupted.

Stiles looked at Scott who gave him a look that said shut the fuck up. Stiles sighed loudly but listened. Scott turned back to Sam as Isaac answered.

"We were just talking," Isaac said, "Gossiping."

"Ah, teen gossip, huh," Sam smiled, "I remember those days."

Derek listened to Sam's heartbeat to see if he was lying as Scott did the same.

"So what brings you here," Allison asked.

"Family road trip," Sam said, "We heard we had a little brother we never knew about and just had to meet him in person."

"How long are you staying for," Ethan asked.

"Not so sure just yet," Sam said, "It's been kind of hectic lately and we're thinking a change of scenery could be helpful."

"So you're not leaving," Stiles asked.

"Stiles," Everyone but Stiles and Sam said.

Stiles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms defensively. They all turned back to Sam.

"Sorry about him," Aiden said, "Bad day like Lydia pointed out in the living room."

"Is it because of us," Sam asked.

"Duh," Stiles blurted.

"Do we have to grab some tape," Lydia asked.

Stiles sighed and shut up again. They all talked a bit more before Dean showed up in the room.

"Hey, Stiles. Noah had left back to work. They called him in about some guy getting drunk and causing issues at a store," Dean said.

"What do you want? A medal," Stiles sassed.

"The sass game is strong with this one," Dean joked, "Are those that one chip that kind have a cheesy taste to it?"

"Yeah? You heard of these," Stiles asked.

"Hell, yeah! These are my favorite," Dean said, walking closer to take a look, "I remember having these every day when I was younger."

"They're actually my favorite too," Stiles said, trying to hold back a smile.

"I don't know why. They're disgusting," Scott said.

"Sammy thought the same," Dean said.

Sam looked at him annoyed. Dean just shrugged it off.

Stiles finally agreed to allow Sam and Dean to join him and his friends for the remainder of the night until everyone was asleep. Sam and Dean softly left the room, closing the door behind them.

"You didn't tell them anything, did you," Dean asked.

"No. I'm not an amateur. But I think Stiles may have caught on slightly," Sam said, "They know that we're hunters. He's a smart kid."

"Of course, he is," Dean said, "Especially considering he's actually a full-blooded Winchester and he's psychic. I'll get a hold of Cas and let him know we found Stiles."

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