Chapter 17- Alternate Michael

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Warnings: Violence

Chapter Description: A new presence comes to Beacon Hills looking for Stiles. And he doesn't come in peace.

Lucifer felt something bad heading Stiles's way and jumped out of Peter's bed. Peter bolted awake and looked at Lucifer, who was dressing.

"What's wrong, angel," Peter asked worriedly.

"Nothing," Lucifer said, "I have to get to Stiles's house. I feel something about to happen."

Peter ran a hand in his messy sex hair.

"Alright, I'll meet you over there," Peter said.

"You can stay in bed," Lucifer said.

"I'm good, Lucifer," Peter said.

Lucifer grabbed Peter's waist.

"Stay in bed, Pete," Lucifer commanded, "I have a feeling this threat is going to be an angelic attack. I don't want you hurt."

Peter kissed Lucifer.

"Then your ass better come back by nightfall," Peter said.

Lucifer smiled and let go of Peter slowly like he contemplated not leaving at all. Lucifer disappeared with the sound of flapping wings.

Sam stood up quickly and looked at Dean.

"Angels," Sam said.

"What do those winged dick bags want now," Dean asked, grabbing his gun complete with angel-killing bullets.

Sam grabbed an angel blade and told everyone to get back. He and Dean waited by the door, ready to ambush the angels. The door opened and 3 angels ran inside. Dean clipped 1 of them with little effort and Sam managed to get the other 2 with the angel blade. 3 more angels rushed in. Dean shot 2 more of them as Sam fought off the last 1. Sam and Dean looked at each other making sure the other was good. Sam dropped to his knees, crying out in pain.

"Sam," Dean shouted as he turned.

Alternate Michael walked inside and raised his arms.

"Missed me," Michael smiled.

He rushed at Dean as he started shooting Michael's way with little success. Michael had Dean by the neck and tilted his head.

"This is sad," Michael said, "I can't believe how rusty you've become."

"I won't say yes," Dean struggled.

"Sad to say I'm not here for you," Michael said, "I want the third Winchester boy. The useful one."

Michael dropped Dean as he got slashed by claws. Michael turned to see Scott, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden standing in werewolf form, ready for battle. Michael smirked and raised his hand about to snap. Lucifer showed in time and held onto Michael's hand, preventing him from snapping the kids into oblivion. Michael turned and kicked Lucifer away from him.

"You need to learn to stay out of my plans," Michael said.

Lucifer got up and punched Michael in the gut making him double over before slamming him on the ground and kicking him while he was down. Michael laughed once Lucifer stopped. Lucifer was about to kick Michael again but he grabbed his foot and twisted him to the ground. Lucifer grimaced and tried to get up but Michael revealed his archangel blade and slashed Lucifer's leg. Lucifer cried out in pain and managed to get away from Michael. He started crawling away from Michael, who laughed and stalked up to him. Lucifer told the kids not to attack when they stepped forward.

"He'll kill you if you interfere," Lucifer reasoned.

Michael grabbed Lucifer's throat and squeezed. Lucifer struggled to get free while making a strangled noise.

"Tell me where the boy is," Michael said, "Or I'll kill every single one of you useless beasts. Tell me where Stiles Winchester is..."

"Right here."

Stiles stepped forward towards Michael who dropped Lucifer. Stiles glared at Michael who managed to beat down not only the Winchesters but also Lucifer.

"I'm right here," Stiles said, "So let them go."

"Stiles," Michael said, smiling at the young man, "It's a pleasure..."

"Save it," Stiles growled.

"Feisty one, I see," Michael said, smirking.

Stiles looked over at Dean helping Sam.

"Come with me," Michael said, "And they all live."

"And if I don't," Stiles asked.

Michael smiled and twirled his finger. All the werewolves started coughing up blood, painfully.

"Then I kill them all starting with your closest friends, of course," Michael said, "So what's it going to be?"

"Don't do it, Stiles," Dean said, "Don't go with him! It's not worth it..."

Dean suddenly became speechless.

"Sorry, he just really gets on my nerves when he starts running his mouth," Michael said, "Save them or kill them? The choice is yours."

Stiles looked at everyone who was injured but told him not to go. Stiles turned to Michael as everything seemed to slow down greatly.

"Use your power, Stiles. Use me..."

Stiles closed his eyes as everything went black. Void opened his eyes and smiled evilly at Michael. Michael realized what was going on and knitted his eyebrows.


Void raised his hand making Michael choke and lift in the air.

"You are trying to give orders to me," Void asked, "Do you know who I fucking am?!"

Void threw Michael against the wall making it crack. Void floated over to Michael and landed in front of him. He picked him up by the hair.

"I'm God's worst nightmare," Void said before he repeatedly beat Michael with his fists.


Stiles came back to reality and looked at what he was doing. Michael was in his grip, bloody and bruised. He leaned toward him.

"Don't come back," Stiles said, "This is your first and last warning."

Michael left with the sound of wings. Stiles started walking to Scott but collapsed. Scott rushed to him.

"Stiles," Scott yelled.

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