Chapter 52- The Older Brother I Needed

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Warnings: Violence

Chapter Description: Stiles and the rest of team decide on a decision on how to help Stiles gain better control over Simargl. However things go south when his powers seem to have a sudden burst of activity leading to a surprising moment of teamwork among each other.

Stiles sat in a chair in front of Castiel, Lucifer, and Scott. Scott's eyes were glowing red meaning he was looking at the Simargl which must've still been standing over Stiles.

"Is he moving," Stiles asked quietly.

"He's mostly just looking around," Scott said, "Like he's a guard dog, protecting you."

Stiles sighed and ran his hands over his face, frustrated.

"Do you feel any different," Lucifer asked.

"I-I don't know," Stiles shrugged, "I guess so."

"What all do you two know about this thing," Scott asked, turning to Castiel.

"It's a dangerous god," Castiel said, "God of fire and if strong enough celestial fire."

"So it could actually light an angel on fire..."

"And do damage," Lucifer finished, "That's obviously how it affected me back in Beacon Hills."

"Still Stiles has to be angry enough for it to work though," Castiel said.

"What if there was a way to channel instead," Scott said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean," Castiel asked.

"Like a special sword or knife or something," Lucifer asked, turning to Scott.

"Yeah. It can help direct his abilities and control the, uh, whatever you called it," Scott suggested.

"I like that idea," Lucifer said, "But it's going to require some strong witch-like magic to accomplish not to mention some angelic power too."

"Also since it is a canine god it may be safe to use the power of an alpha. To use you, Scott," Castiel said, "But what witches could we use to accomplish this?"

"Red," Lucifer said.


"Rowena will absolutely refuse as soon as she hears you're involved," Castiel said.

"She still holding that grudge," Lucifer asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "What ever happened to forgive and forget?"

"You killed her," Castiel said, "Twice."

"Point proven," Lucifer sighed, rolling his eyes.

"There have to be other powerful witches, right," Stiles asked.

"We could always use a friend of ours."

They all turned to see Elijah walking up.

"Her name is Bonnie," he explained, "She comes from a family of witches."

"We're going to need more than one powerful witch," Castiel said, "Using just one will kill your friend."

"There's a legend of another superpowered witch," Sam said, having heard the conversation, "He comes from Mystic Falls and goes by the name Malachai or Kai for short."

"The only problem with him is the guy is a freaking sociopath," Dean mentioned, walking up, "Plus we have no idea where nor how to get this Mystic Falls. Most think the place is just a myth about being full of supernatural."

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