Chapter 47- Winchester Surprise

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Warnings: Mentions of PTSD

Chapter Description: Peter and Sam have another argument which leads to Sam figuring out Peter has trauma because of an incident with the Argents.

Peter watched Sam work out with boredom in his eyes.

"Hey, Sam," Peter said, "I'm really, really bored."

"Then do something," Sam said, grunting as he lifted the weights once more.

Peter sighed deeply and looked at some of the weights on display. He glanced through them before picking up the heaviest one on there.

"You got to be kidding me," Peter muttered, lifting it with ease, "How do you stay entertained here?! All this stuff is just useless."


Sam sunk to the ground as Peter gave the weight in his hand to him.

"Fuck, Peter," Sam snapped, "What the hell!"

"Once again bored," Peter said, ignoring Sam's attitude.

"That's because all of this stuff is for humans," Sam snapped, struggling to put the weight back.

"You got something that isn't for humans," Peter asked, grabbing the weight from his hands like nothing.

"No, unfortunately," Sam said, "We weren't expecting to have to work with a bunch of monsters now."

Peter's face showed a flare of rage. But not the usual kind Sam was used to seeing. This kind was more dangerous. Almost like a flashback from PTSD.


"I knew you hated me," Peter said lowly, "But I never thought that it was that bad."

He walked to the room quickly, leaving Sam standing there confused about what happened. He went to find Derek to get an understanding of the matter.

"So it is PTSD," Sam asked, after hearing about what happened between the Hale family and the Argents, "Shit. That's why he reacted that way. Probably why he hates me too."

"Exactly why," Derek said, "But don't worry. It's nothing to do with you. Give him some time, and Peter will come around eventually."

Sam went to his bedroom and saw Peter laying in bed. He slowly made his way over to the werewolf.

"Peter," Sam called out, "You okay?"

Peter didn't respond so Sam went to the kitchen. He tried his best to make something that Peter would like to eat. Then went back to the bedroom and set it on the nightstand.

"I made you some food," Sam said, "I didn't know what you like so I made something my brother used to make. It's called a Winchester Surprise. It was messy but it was also pretty good."

There was no response and Sam slowly began to think he went too far to earn back forgiveness. But then Peter turned around and grabbed the plate. Sam's back straightened and he waited carefully for Peter to finish.

"That's actually really good," Peter said.

"Right," Sam smiled, "Listen, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to upset you that much. If I had known then I would've been more considerate of my choice of wording."

Peter chuckled and turned to face Sam while sitting up.

"You want to know something really sad," Peter asked, tears trying to fight their way to his eyes, "What's sad is that an apology is all I ever wanted from the Argents. That simple two-word phrase. I'm sorry would've been enough for me to let go of my anger and frustration. I never wanted to hurt anybody, Sam. I know I'm not the best werewolf in the world but I never meant to hurt anyone. That's not me. I'm not evil or a monster. But pain and rage make me do stupid things. Revenge isn't worth it but it still hurts."

Sam sat next to him and hugged him slowly to give him a chance to push him away. Peter surprisingly accepted the hug and even leaned his body weight against the hunter.

"I'm sorry," Sam whispered, "I know the feeling of revenge very well, believe me. I'm so sorry Peter."

"Thank you, Sam," Peter croaked.

Sam gave a warm smile as he realized this is a major breakthrough for him and Peter.

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