Chapter 34- Anger

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Warnings: DID Symptoms

Chapter Description: Stiles wakes up to see Void waiting. The two exchange words and things get more dangerous for the others around Stiles.

Stiles groaned and rolled over as his head throbbed a little. He shuffled before sitting up slowly with his eyes squeezed shut.

"Oh, hey, you're finally awake."

Stiles looked over to see Void sitting on the counter, blowing bubbles. Stiles wasn't fazed by Void's sudden appearance anymore. By this time, he was used to Void popping up on him randomly. Although usually he'll pop up to check on him or question him.

"How'd you sleep, buddy," Void asked, blowing more colorful circles in the air, "Did you get good rest? Did you dream? Were you visited by a powerful entity in your sleep at all?"

Stiles's eyes widened as he realized Void knew.

"You know," Stiles muttered.

"Of course, I know, dumbass," Void said, angrily slamming the bubbles on the counter, "I found out because I tried to see you in your head but was blocked by something incredibly powerful! I could've broken through that barrier but that would've damaged a very important fragment of your brain because you are not strong enough for that! Now, who the hell was keeping me from reaching you?!"

"Some guy named Chuck," Stiles said.

"Who is he? Some other archangel," Void asked.

"No. He's... God," Stiles said.

"God!? You talked to God," Void snapped.


"Oh, my fucking... Why would you talk to God of all people," Void shouted.

"Look, I didn't have a choice alright," Stiles yelled, feeling Void's rage boiling inside of him as well, "I was trapped in my own head with the bastard! I don't have shit to tell him! But there I was cursing out God himself. I don't even know if I'm going to get struck down or something. But my head hurts and I'm too fucking tired for your bullshit! So get off my fucking back about talking to that complete douchebag!"

Void teleported in front of Stiles and placed two fingers on his forehead, forcing him to become aware of his surroundings. Items were floating and some were even disintegrating. His anger was causing matter to shift on their own. Stiles broke down in tears out of pure frustration. The items dropped and Void took a deep breath.

"Listen, Stiles," Void said sincerely, "I'm sorry for causing you to get angry. I shouldn't have done that. It was a dangerous move on my part. I hope you can forgive me. I was worried about you. But you did mention you were tired. So get some more rest, okay? We'll talk later."

Stiles stopped crying as he felt Void's calm overtake his emotions. He yawned as he realized just how tired he truly was.

"I... Should get some sleep. You're right," Stiles said, lying back down on his side, "I'll see you later, Void."

Stiles fell asleep as Void looked toward the door, where he knew Lydia stood, watching the whole thing. He also knew that she could see him and Stiles at the same time. He put his finger to his lips, prompting her to stay quiet. She nodded slowly before rushing away from the scene. Void smirked, knowing she was going to tell the others everything she saw.

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