Chapter 44- Armory

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Warnings: Mentions of Child Abuse; Violence

Chapter Description: Chris attempts to stay awake by cleaning guns. During so Lucifer makes disturbing discovery about the older hunter's past.

Chris cleaned a handgun that he found in the armory of the bunker. The selection of the guns was immense but it was needed for him. He grew up having to learn how to clean weapons. Every time he did something that could damage the gun he was pistol-whipped across the face. Chris knew a long time ago that he wasn't the favored child by his father. His sister, Kate, was favored among the Argents by Gerard. Perhaps it had to do with him actually believing that monsters have feelings. That not all of them are evil or monstrous. It made Chris look weak for thinking those things and calling himself a hunter.

He inhaled deeply as the smell of metal cleaner hit his nose waking him up violently once more. Lucifer kept him up by forcing him to answer the most ridiculous questions. Why did he even want to know if he ever tried on a wig?

Chris didn't even realize he started dozing off until a loud clang made him alert to his surroundings. He looked down to see he dropped the empty gun he was supposed to be cleaning.


Chris flinched hard and turned his head to see Lucifer sitting beside him. He glared at the fallen archangel.

"You look exhausted," Lucifer taunted, "Were you up all night or something?"

"Fuck off," Chris growled, picking the gun up to continue.

Lucifer smirked as he watched while listening to Chris's thoughts. He slowly noticed how the older man's thoughts shifted to his father's abusive nature. It made his smile faded into a scowl. It also made him wonder how times was Chris forced to stay up all night and clean guns when he was a child. Soon Chris began dozing off again and this time Lucifer teleported him to his bed. Then he took over cleaning the weapons.

Chris woke up a few hours later noticing he was moved to his bed. He grunted as he got out of bed slowly. When he went back to the armory he saw all the guns had been cleaned thoroughly. Chris knitted his eyebrows.

"I don't remember finishing... Lucifer!"

Lucifer showed up with a questioning look on his face.

"This had better be worth me missing my movie for," Lucifer asked, his tone irritable.

"Did you complete my task," Chris asked, his own tone accusatory.

"Yeah," Lucifer shrugged, "So?"


"Because you were too tired to apparently," Lucifer said, "You kept falling asleep on the job and I didn't need you messing up the weapons in here. Especially with you already feeling bad about yourself. I didn't feel like hearing you complain. Now can I go?"

Chris's eyes softened a great deal and he nodded. Lucifer was about to leave but he stopped him.

"You're getting soft, Lucifer," Chris smirked.

"Shut up before I kill you," Lucifer teased, walking away.

Chris chuckled and sat down as he slowly began understanding how to talk to the devil effectively.

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