Chapter 6- Feuding Over Stiles

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Chapter Description: Things get intense when Stiles's brothers and his guardian angel recognize each other.

Stiles sat down with his friends outside, eating lunch. Word got around to all of them about Lucifer and what happened during class.

"You got it," Lydia asked.

Stiles pulled out the envelope and opened it. He grabbed the gold-lined and dusted paper. There was a letter written on it.

"I know you remember me, Stiles. You freed me. I'm still your guardian angel and will protect you the best I can. I will move heaven and hell for you. I hope we can have a good relationship, you and I. Give me a chance to be a good friend to you. I'm not as evil as many think. When you're ready to talk just call for me. I'll show up."


"You should call him," Ethan said.

"Seriously," Stiles asked, "What if he kills us?"

"Stiles, I think if the devil wanted to kill us, he would've already made a move to," Allison reasoned.

"True," Scott said.

Stiles sighed and tried to figure out how he was going to call him.

"Lucifer," Stiles said.

Stiles looked around, expecting to see the blonde man show up but saw nothing. Then he felt it. The presence of something immensely powerful and dangerous.

"S-stiles," Lydia said.

"I know," Stiles breathed.

Stiles turned around and saw Lucifer staring at him with glowing red eyes and a small smile.

"You called for me, Stiles," Lucifer said, finally relaxing his power and energy.

Stiles tried to relax his breathing to seem cool and collected. Lucifer realized he was nervous and kneeled on one knee beside him to make himself less threatening to Stiles. Stiles tilted his head to the side confused as to why Lucifer was kneeling to make him feel safer.

"I read your letter," Stiles said.

"I see that," Lucifer said.

"That dream last night," Stiles said, "Did that actually happen?"

Lucifer smiled and touched Stiles's forehead. Making him relive the memory of Stiles pulling Lucifer free and Lucifer promising to protect him from then on. Stiles came back to reality after he finished reliving it.

"I actually... I saved you," Stiles said, "But it was an accident. I didn't know it was you."

"Either way, I'm in your debt," Lucifer said.

Lucifer suddenly looked up and stood. Dean and Sam walked up to the table with Castiel next to them. They stopped when they noticed Lucifer standing next to Stiles.

"What are you guys doing here," Stiles asked.

"I wanted to stop by to let you know that I finished working on your Jeep," Dean said, staring at Lucifer, "Also wanted to bring you some lunch from a nearby burger joint we ran into on the way here."

"Stiles," Sam started, "You mind stepping towards us."

"He's good," Lucifer growled, lowly, "If he wants to move he can. But he doesn't have to follow your orders."

"Listen here you son of a bitch," Dean started.

Castiel grabbed Dean's arm. Dean stopped and looked at the angel.

"Remember where we are, Dean," Castiel said, "This isn't the best place to start fighting with him..."

"Exactly, Cassie," Lucifer smirked.

"But mark my words," Castiel snapped, "If you lay a finger on that boy I will rain down heavenly fury on you and you won't escape this time. Understand?"

"I have no intention of hurting him," Lucifer said, "If anything I plan on protecting him from any and all threats. That includes you three. So fight me if you wish but be prepared to either kill me or die. Because I will always return to make sure Stiles is safe."

Lucifer stayed glaring at Castiel and the Winchesters. They all glared back. Scott cleared his throat again making them turn to him.

"Sorry, uh, we should get going though," Scott said, "So we'll catch you later, Nick."

"Alright, Scott," Lucifer smiled.

Sam walked up but when Lucifer sharply turned to the Winchester, Sam stopped. He held up the bag of food.

"I want to give Stiles his food," Sam said.

Lucifer stayed glaring but Stiles stood up and made his way over to Sam. He grabbed the bag of food and Sam patted him on his shoulder, comfortingly.

"Thanks, guys," Stiles said.

"Sure thing," Sam said.

"If you need anything at all," Dean said, writing his number down on a paper, "Call me. Doesn't matter how weird it sounds. Okay, kid?"

"Sure," Stiles said.

"Alright," Dean smiled before glaring daggers at Lucifer who stared Dean down threateningly.

"I never knew you had such a fascination with minors suddenly," Dean taunted.

"Watch yourself, Dean," Lucifer growled.

Dean, Sam, and Castiel left the school grounds as Stiles left with his friends, leaving Lucifer standing by himself.

"What the hell was that," Aiden asked, "Who the hell was that other guy as well?!"

"No idea," Stiles muttered.

"Well, one thing is for sure. Dean, Sam, and that other Greek god have some kind of resentment towards your guardian angel," Allison said, shaking her head.

"You think there's someone we could speak with to further figure this all out," Stiles asked, "I'm confused and concerned at the same time... Also did Dean call me a minor? Last I knew I was 19 years old and about to turn 20 soon!"

"I can see if my uncle Peter could help," Cora suggested, ignoring Stiles complain about Dean getting his age wrong.

"And I can talk to my dad," Allison offered, "I'm sure he knows something about whatever is going on."

"I can see if I could get my hands on one of those Supernatural books at all," Danny offered.

"Thanks, guys. For now, I'll do some more investigating," Stiles said.

"Sounds like a plan but, uh, your boyfriend is here," Isaac said, pointing to Derek standing at the end of the hallway.

Stiles turned to see Derek patiently waiting for Stiles to finish talking before walking up. Stiles grinned.

"That is my handsome sour wolf," Stiles said, walking to Derek.

Derek blushed slightly and put his head down, revealing he had heard Stiles compliment him.

"Hey, Der..."

Derek kissed him before grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the school and to his car.

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