Chapter 46- Reasons To Be Good

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Warnings: Violence

Chapter Description: Void and Klaus have a heart to heart which leads to revealing why they both changed their ways to becoming better than before.

Klaus searched the bunker for Void, who seemed to have slipped away the first chance he got. He found him talking to Noah, who looked rather uneasy. He grabbed Void by the shoulder roughly, making him stiffen.

"I apologize for having this one slip away, sheriff," Klaus said, "It won't happen again."

"That's alright, Klaus," Noah said.

"He didn't hurt you at all, did he," Klaus asked.


"Great," Klaus said, "Let's go, shall we?"

Void swallowed thickly as Klaus pulled him away from Noah.

"I can explain," Void said.

"Shut. Up," Klaus said, squeezing Void's shoulder out of place.

Void shut his eyes and grimaced at the pain shooting through his arm.

They got to the room and Void sat down in the corner of the room farthest away from the hybrid.

"You know I actually made a lot of progress to change out of this person," Klaus said, "I went to decades of therapy to help resolve centuries of trauma. At one point I even went to mental hospitals. To ensure that I remained there without hurting anyone my brother went with me."

Void lifted his eyes as he noticed Klaus stepping closer. He smothered a shiver when he knelt down beside him.

"Eventually my siblings and I with the help of a friendly witch made a sort of collar that controlled me when I got out of line," Klaus said, "That way I could recover efficiently without the need of a babysitter. The reason I did all of this recovery was for the sake of my sons, Jack and Marcel. I already lost Marcel but I would at least prefer to work to keep Jack."

"Why are you telling me this," Void asked, "Are you plan on using that collar on me?"

"No," Klaus said, "I'm saying this because I know that I'm a master at torturing someone to get them to do what I wish. Before it didn't matter who I hurt I was going to get what I wanted every time. I don't want to be that person anymore. I know you aren't as bad as you could be. You changed as well. But I don't understand why."

"I rather not give you the only thing that could break me into being your bitch," Void snapped.

"I understand," Klaus said, "I can tell you truly care about whatever this 'thing' is. But you should know if I truly wanted to break you, Void, I already would've. Because I know what target would hurt you the most. Stiles is protected by the Nogitsune for reason, isn't he? You care about him. You're just afraid to admit it. Sometimes those emotions are the very thing that makes us powerful."

He stood up and walked out the door. Void sat on the bed and began to cry quietly. He secretly blamed the ability to show emotion on him being with Stiles as long as he was. In doing so, he learned to feel human emotion like Stiles did. He didn't know how long he was sitting there until Klaus was handing him a tissue for his face with a gentle smile.

"How did you prove that you care," Void asked, "Even after all the rumors about you?"

"When someone gave me the chance to be the good guy," Klaus explained, "I took it without hesitation."

Void stared at Klaus before lowering his gaze.

"Stiles is special," Void explained, revealing why he changed to be better, "Because he changes people. Not like a werewolf bite. But his energy and emotions are strong and they carry. The truth is he doesn't need me but I need him. I'm supposed to be evil but to him I'm not. I'm a friend, a confidant, a person. I never had that before him. It feels good to say the least."

Klaus smiled.

"It scares me and it makes me happy," Void said, "He's the one thing... The one person I would willingly die to save. I guess he's the Jack to my Klaus in a way."

Klaus chuckled.

"Thank you for telling me that," Klaus said.

"I'm honestly glad that I got to tell at least someone," Void said, "Even if it's you."

Klaus stood up and held out his hand. Void gave a confused look.

"You showed me a bit of trust," Klaus said, "So I'm returning the favor and letting you feed."

Void slowly grabbed Klaus's hand and began feeding from the chaos he's committed. It didn't take long for the amount rushing to Void to become almost too much. Knowing his limitation before the power got to his head and made him aggressive, Void forced himself to stop. He panted while pushing Klaus's hand away.

"How are you still alive," Void said, "The amount of pain, guilt, anger, and sadness coming off of you is practically deafening."

"I learned to live with it," Klaus shrugged, "And to change from it then let it eat me alive like before. I have enough chaos to feed you for eons, Void. That's why I chose to be partnered with you after all."

"It was never about control, was it," Void asked.

"No. It was about trust," Klaus reasoned, "But I had to get you to stop trying to control me first. So I took a risk by slipping back to old habits of torture."

"Matched my evil," Void chuckled, "Classic."

"Thank you," Klaus smiled, opening the door, "Now you're free to go."

Void stood up and walked to the door, closing it. He turned back to him with a smile.

"I much rather stay," Void said.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Klaus said, sitting down in bed.

Void sat in his bed opposite of Klaus's and talked to him about everything his vast mind could think of. Klaus listened while he spoke the whole time.

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