Chapter 53- Chosen Father

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Warnings: Graphic Violence; Mentions of Child Neglect

Chapter Description: The small team of four walk through prison world looking for Kai. When they find him, they manage to find someone else as well, forcing Dean to make a choice.

Noah, Dean, Scott, and Castiel all walked through the prison world covered in blood. They all had already beaten plenty of monsters and more in the place and were still searching for Kai. The thing they realized is that they can't kill anything here but they can however beat it enough for it finally back off. Finally, they stopped at a suspicious-looking house.

"Looks dangerous enough to keep a sociopath hidden," Dean teased.

"Then let's do it," Scott said, walking in followed by the other three.

They all walked in and saw Kai tied to a chair with a gag on.

"I'll search for anyone else inside," Dean said, nodding for Scott to follow him.

Scott listened as Noah and Castiel took the gag off and Kai stretched his jaw.

"I don't usually get visitors much," Kai grinned, "Heya."

"Should we untie him," Noah asked.

"Yes," Kai said enthusiastically.

"No," Castiel said firmly.

"Oh, come on," Kai whined, "Why?"

"We know who you are Malachai," Castiel gruffed, "That's why."

"Hey, guys," Dean said, "We didn't see anyone else."

"That's because he left to go check his barn out back," Kai said, smirking.

There was a noise of a door closing. Kai's eyes widened and he smiled widely.

"Daddy's home," Kai taunted loudly.

Dean moved to the side of the wall, Noah went to the other side, and Scott and Castiel stayed in front.

Suddenly a man walked in carrying a bag and weapon. Dean and Noah both attempted to ambush him, but the man skillfully fought against them both. Finally, Scott went after the man first, moving faster than him. He managed to knock the man to the ground and was about to attack him, but Dean shouted at Scott to wait. Scott did and looked at Dean confused.

"What," Scott asked.

"I-I know him," Dean said, looking at the man, "That man is my... My father... John Winchester."

"Son," John asked, turning his head to Dean, "Oh my god."

"Oh, well, this is all very touching," Kai taunted, "But, uh, can I get untied now?"

"No," John ordered.

Castiel glared at John as Dean explained why they needed Kai. When Dean mentioned Stiles, John made a face.

"What the hell is a Stiles," John asked.

"My son," Noah said, "Also Dean's brother."

"Brother," John asked, turning back to Dean, "Sam isn't with you?"

"The third brother, dad," Dean said softly.

"Third brother," John asked, "Your third brother is dead, Dean. At least that's what the doctor said."

"He's not dead," Dean said, "He never did. I... I gave him up for adoption... Noah and his wife adopted him and raised him... I'm sorry."

John scoffed and shook his head. His disappointed gaze was enough to make Dean lower his head in submission and shame. He was used to it by now after all.

"Where's your brother," John asked, "Or brothers?"

"The real world..."

Castiel's eyes rolled into the back of his head briefly before he looked at Dean.

"We need to go, Dean," Castiel said.

"Right, Cas," Dean said, "Dad, I know it's a lot to take in but come with us. So you can meet him. Meet Stiles. He's a great kid. So cool, smart, and crafty. Come with us."

"Yeah, padre," Kai smiled.

Castiel pulled Dean away from the group to talk to him.

"We shouldn't do that," Castiel said.

"Why? He's my father," Dean said.

"No, he isn't," Castiel said.


"Dean, listen to me for once," Castiel reasoned, placing his hands on Dean's shoulders, "From what I've witnessed John isn't you're father but you know who is? Noah Stilinski. He has taken care of you and Sam as his own sons just like with Stiles. He calls you his sons with a smile. While John calls you that out of pure responsibility. You are a soldier to John, nothing more. When you finally realized that you can choose who you have as your father you will be happier."

Dean glanced over at John who hadn't looked the slightest bit happy since he's seen him. Then he looked at Noah who kept looking back at him with a concerned expression. When he noticed Dean's eyes on him, he nodded his way as silently asking if he was okay. Dean smiled warmly and nodded back as reassurance. Then he turned back to Castiel.

"I get it, Cas," Dean sighed, "Let's go back."

Castiel went back over.

"We're going but we're leaving John," Dean said blankly.

"Excuse me," John asked.

"You're not coming with us," Dean repeated.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind," John snapped, "I am your father which means you do what I say..."

"No," Noah said, standing in front of John, blocking his way to Dean, "You're not. What you are is a drill sergeant. You've never been a father to Dean or Sam. I'll be damned if I let you influence my sons again. This is exactly the reason why Dean put Stiles up for adoption in the first place. So if he says you stay that means you stay."

John swung at Noah but Dean caught his fist. Then he hit John in the nose hard enough to knock him down. John looked at Dean in shock at him defending the sheriff.

"The next time you try to put your hands on my father I'll put a bullet in your head, understand me," Dean snapped, towering over John.

He nodded reluctantly and backed off. Castiel placed his hands on Kai as Dean, Scott, and Noah placed their hands on him. John tried to go up to them again but Castiel glared at him with glowing blue eyes as Scott glared with red eyes.

"That would be a very bad idea," Scott growled.

John stopped and watched as they all left back to the bunker taking Kai with them.

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