Chapter 16- Man Crush

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Chapter Description: Chris meets the Winchesters making his heart pound for one of the slightly younger hunters.

Allison stood in Stiles's living room with his friends and family.

"My dad should be here soon to help out," Allison said, "He just had to grab some things."

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Allison," Dean smiled.

"I just hope it helps," Allison said, "Is Derek still in there with him?"

Sam walked into the living room.

"Yep. And sadly their still going at it," Sam said.

"How is that sad," Dean asked, "They're both distracted."

"It's sad because I'm pretty sure I'm going to have nightmares about the sounds I just heard," Sam sassed with a disgusted look on his face, "I want to bleach my ears so bad right now."

"You'll live," Dean said, rolling his eyes.

There was a knock and Ethan answered the door. Chris Argent stood behind the door with a duffel bag.

"Is Allison here," Chris asked.

"Right here, dad," Allison said.

"I brought the stuff..."

Chris stopped as he noticed the Winchesters. He swallowed thickly, frozen in place.

"You coming in, Mr. Argent," Isaac asked.

Chris snapped out of his daze to walk inside. He went to his daughter.

"I brought the stuff you asked for," Chris said, "Anything else I can help with?"

"Uh, well, you should probably ask those two since they would know better than I would," Allison said, pointing to Sam and Dean.

Chris slowly made his way over and only quickened his pace when Dean made eye contact.

"Hi, I'm Chris," Chris greeted, "I don't know if you remember me or not. We met a couple of times..."

"No, I don't recall," Dean said, interrupting Chris.

Chris looked very embarrassed and dropped his gaze shamefully. Of course, the Winchesters wouldn't remember him. He was practically a beginner compared to them. Here he is fanboying like some teenager. Sam noticed the difference in Chris's demeanor immediately. He made swift efforts to fix that. Besides Sam's always thought the older hunter was rugged and handsome.

"Hold on, your name is Chris right," Sam asked, causing Chris to nod, "Does your last name happen to be Argent? And did you have a ginger wife that was pregnant when we last saw you?"

"Yeah. That was me," Chris smiled, nervously.

"Oh my god," Sam grinned, "I remember now. You helped us take down that pack of werewolves killing on those college kids."

"Wait, so this guy is the same Chris," Dean said, now recognizing the man, "Dude! You're a legend! How you doing?"

Chris was now speechless that Sam remembered him instantly so all he could do was nod. Chris shook Dean's hand. But when he shook Sam's his stomach fluttered causing him to yank his hand away.

"I'm sorry my hands are just sweating a lot right now," Chris lied, "So did you guys need anything else?"

"Yeah, Chris," Sam said, "I was thinking you could help me out with finding maybe some kind of Latin spells to get rid of a problem Derek was having."

"Sure," Chris said.

"Great," Sam said, grabbing Chris's shoulders to lead him away from his older more paranoid brother, "You can come to the dining room to help me out while the others figure out the Stiles situation."

"Oh," Chris said, following Sam to the dining room.

"Does your dad have a man-crush on my younger brother," Dean asked Allison.

"It seems like it," Allison said, scrunching up her nose, "Gross."

"Tell me about it," Dean scoffed, "How come he's interested in Sam and not me? I'm pretty!"

Allison patted Dean's arm comfortingly.

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