Chapter 43- Studying

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Chapter Description: A night spent researching leads Dean to a discovery of desiring to adopt a child with Castiel.

Dean did research in the lore books to figure out how to better help Stiles. Scott wasn't too far away since they were partners after all. Finally, Dean closed the book with a heavy sigh.

"Find anything," Scott asked, lifting his eyes to meet Dean's.

"No, McCall, I didn't," Dean snapped, "In fact, it would be easier if you weren't so useless and did something to actually help other than staring at me read all goddamn day!"

Dean stood up and went back to their bedroom. Scott scoffed and rolled his eyes. He stared at the book on the table before sitting down to check it out. That eventually led to him studying the book to get a more thorough understanding. Dean realized he left his jacket on the chair and went back to retrieve it. However, when he got back he noticed Scott was studying the lore book and writing notes quietly. It was already quite late in the night but seeing Scott offer services after Dean insulted him, made his heart clench for the kid.

Dean strolled over to look over Scott's shoulder. Scott tilted his head slightly showing he notice Dean but didn't stop to say anything or address him watching.

"Why are those words on the right side," Dean asked.

"Because I don't understand those words," Scott said, "Not yet anyway."

Dean pointed to one of the words.

"A kitsune is a monster that is rather similar to the Nogistune," Dean explained, "However even those can be mean little suckers. They don't particularly like werewolves though. But they're strong nonetheless and put up quite the fight when it comes to fellow competitors."

"So the Nogistune is the kitsune or a type of kitsune," Scott asked.

"A type of kitsune or fox," Dean said, "A dark one though. It usually tends to mimic human behavior through its host. The longer it stays with the vessel the more it picks up on their behavior and copies it."

"That makes a lot of sense actually," Scott said, writing down the new information he received.

Dean felt a small smile reach his lips.

"Can you teach me more," Scott asked.

"I'm busy," Dean said, causing Scott's face to fall.


Scott turned back to the book and studied more. Dean walked away but stopped. He grumbled at himself as he turned back around and went back to Scott.

"I should be done later tonight," Dean said, "So, uh, tomorrow I'll help you out. Just get some rest, alright? You're even more useless if you're tired tomorrow because you didn't sleep."

Scott's eyes lit up happily. He gave a small smile and nodded.

"Got it, Dean," Scott said.

"Good," Dean said, turning his heel and finding Castiel.

"Hello, Dean..."

"Talk me out of wanting to adopt a child," Dean said.

"I'm sorry, what," Castiel said.

"Talk me out of wanting to adopt a child, please," Dean said, "Before I do something we both regret!"

"We don't have the money to take care of a child," Castiel said, "Nor does our lifestyle provide safety for a kid."

Dean licked his lips while staring at Castiel.

"You're right," Dean said, looking away, "Dammit, you're right."

"The werewolf is growing on you, isn't he," Castiel said.

"Pfft! No," Dean scoffed, "Absolutely not..."


"Alright, he is," Dean confessed, "He is a little. But in my defense have you seen his puppy eyes!"

Castiel smiled.

"Have you seen Sam's," Castiel asked, causing Dean to nod, "Now imagine another Sammy but with fangs and claws."

Dean straightened his back and his expression went blank.

"Point proven," Dean said, walking away, "You said you need to talk. You coming?"

Castiel followed Dean to the garage.

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