Chapter 40- Fatherly Love

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Chapter Description: Noah and Klaus exchange words on how to better help Stiles. Klaus gives a suggestion that may alter the family dynamic afterward.

Klaus and his family were about to leave when Noah called out to Klaus. The hybrid stopped and turned as the others waited while listening.

"I just wanted to say thank you," Noah said, "Thank you for helping him. Stiles is pretty much all I have left. But he trusts you a lot it seems and I can see why."

"You care a lot about Stiles," Klaus said thoughtfully, "Even though he's not your blood."

"I raised that boy since he was a baby," Noah reasoned, "I did everything I could to protect him and help him. So as far as I'm concerned Stiles is my son. Whether he's blood-related or not. Don't you feel the same way about Jack?"

Klaus went silent and stared.

"You mentioned something in the dungeon," Noah continued, "That you wanted to continue helping kids like Stiles and Jack. If you're interested you and your family could stick around. I mean, we could use all the help we can get at this point."

Klaus walked closer to Noah to be face to face with the sheriff. Noah didn't step back whatsoever nor show fear. Klaus smirked.

"You're not afraid of me," Klaus asked.

"I've been faced with death countless times," Noah said, "Facing you is no different for me."

"You want to save him, Sheriff," Klaus said, "Then make this team get along. This team's hatred for each other is outrageous. It's going to end up in someone getting hurt. More than likely that someone is going to be Stiles. He is still just a kid. Putting him through all of this and more will make matters worse than better."

"What do you suggest I do then," Noah asked.

"Be a father," Klaus said, "Be a soldier and be a leader. Or else they all will rip each other apart."

"You know who's untrusting of who, don't you," Noah asked, connecting the dots on how Klaus's first words of advice were unity among everyone.

"A few, yes," Klaus said, "Like the elder Winchester boy. He sees Scott McCall as a threat and competition for his brother's affection. Also Sam Winchester and Peter Hale are going to be a problem. And don't get me started on the pure rage swimming in the Argent's eyes when he looks at Lucifer. All of these are problems, Noah. They need to learn to work together."

"What about Void," Noah said, shaking his head, "It seems he's the toughest out of all of them to get control of."

Klaus turned back to his family. They nodded, knowing what he was suggesting without saying anything. Then he turned back to Noah.

"Then let me deal with Nogistune," Klaus said.

"He's dangerous," Noah said.

"Trust me," Klaus said, "I am fully aware of that. Let me handle him. Just separate the Nogistune and Stiles emotions, actions, and pain filters completely."

"They already are," Noah said, "It was done after what happened with Stiles at Beacon Hills. It'll take time but I have an idea."

"Well, good thing we brought extra clothing with us," Elijah said, stepping up, "We'll bring in our stuff. You two focus on helping the young boy and his family."

Elijah grabbed Kol and Jack to help. Noah sighed.

"It's time to make some moves to save your son, Sheriff," Klaus said, "He can't do it without his father."

Noah nodded and asked Castiel to tell everyone to meet in the dining room. Castiel agreed. Klaus smiled as he saw the fire burning in Noah's eyes. It's always special to see how far fatherly love will bring someone.

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