Chapter 22- Acceptance

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Warnings: Sexual Content

Chapter Description: Sam and Chris explore the bigger meaning behind the thing they call 'their friendship.'

Sam sat next to Chris on the couch in the Stilinski's living room. Chris handed him a cold beer which he accepted gratefully.

"You did a good job today," Chris said, "That multiple shots to the head, chest, and neck were totally necessary."

"Oh yeah, thanks," Sam sassed, "I thought it would add an extra effect of being a skilled hunter. Y'know shooting a monster that was already dying."

Chris huffed out a small chuckle.

"Want to talk about it now," Chris asked.

"Nope," Sam said, instantly.

"Don't do that," Chris said, looking at Sam in the dark.

"What," Sam asked.

"The Winchester Shut Down," Chris said.

"You even have a name for it. I'm impressed," Sam sassed.

"Copyrighted too," Chris teased.

Sam laughed lightly this time.

"If you ever need to talk I'm here okay," Chris said.

Sam looked at him deeply but found no extra motive behind his concern. He cared about Sam, his brothers, and everyone in Beacon Hills. Chris had been helpful for so long and always ready to check on everyone, especially Sam.

Sam downed his beer and then kissed Chris passionately before he had a chance to rethink his decision. He broke the kiss as Chris gave a bewildered look to him. Sam shook his head and laughed embarrassed with himself.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I guess I was reading you wrong," Sam apologized, "I thought you liked me but you probably don't even swing that way..."

Chris kissed Sam cutting him off. Sam slipped his tongue as Chris deepened the kiss. He started undoing Sam's flannel which he shrugged off his body afterward. Sam broke the kiss again to remove Chris's shirt and then went back to kissing him aggressively. Sam ran his hand down Chris's stomach and was so close to slipping his hands inside of Chris's boxers and sweatpants but Chris's phone rang. He looked at it and saw it was Allison.

"I have to, uh," Chris said.

"Go ahead," Sam smiled.

"Hey, Allison," Chris said.

He listened for a while before responding.

"Okay. I'll be there soon," Chris said.

He hung up and put his shirt back on.

"I'm sorry, Sam. Something came up with Allison," Chris explained.

"Hey, don't sweat it," Sam said, brushing it off, "I hope she's okay."

"I'll tell her you said hi," Chris smiled.

"Okay," Sam said, cheerfully, "Let me know if she's alright too."

Allison walked out of the bathroom feeling better. She walked to her father's room as he stood worried for a minute. She sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder if you remember you had a girl," Allison said, "It was just a period, dad."

"Oh thank god," Chris sighed relieved, "Should I go buy some more pads?"

"I might need some after tomorrow," Allison said.

"Okay. I'll go get some while you are at school tomorrow," Chris said, "Sorry. It totally slipped my mind to get some more while shopping the other day."

"It's alright," Allison said, "Things have been hectic lately so I understand. By the way, are you interested in Sam?"

"Sam? Sam who," Chris asked, although he knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Sam Smith," Allison sassed, "Sam Winchester, dad! The one who you've been hanging out with and partnering with on missions all the time. Who else?"

"Oh, uh..."

Chris started sweating nervously.

"If you don't want to tell me you don't have to," Allison said, "But just know that it's okay to be in love with someone else after mom. Even if that someone else is a man. It won't change the way I view you. So if you like him a lot the same way he does you then give him a chance. Who knows? You might be surprised at how happy you would feel about another male being around here."

"Thank you, Allison," Chris smiled, "You have no idea how much that means to me."

"No problem. I'm going to head to bed though," Allison said, kissing her dad on the cheek, "Goodnight, dad."

"Night, Ally," Chris said.

Chris put a reminder on his phone to get some pads once Allison's door closed. Then he went to bed as well.

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