Chapter 13- Bullied

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Chapter Description: Dean finally realizes just how difficult it would be to keep Stiles calm during school.

Stiles slowly opened his eyes and felt an arm wrap tighter around his waist. He looked down and then turned to see Derek holding him, half asleep. Stiles looked at the time and tried to move away but Derek gripped him tighter.

"Derek," Stiles said, "I have to get ready for school today."

"Stay home," Derek mumbled, moving his nose closer to Stiles's neck, "You should get some more rest."

Stiles tried to sit up again but Derek kept a hold on him. Stiles laughed lightly.

"Der," Stiles said.

"Why can't you just spend the day with me today," Derek asked, "Not like you have anything important to do."

"Yeah, like maybe going to school, right," Stiles sassed.

"Exactly," Derek smiled.

Stiles chuckled as Derek finally opened his eyes, revealing his natural hazel green eyes. Stiles kissed Derek's forehead, cheek, and lips.

"Let me go to school, Der," Stiles said, "I'll be back before you know it."

"Promise," Derek asked.

"You have my word," Stiles said.

"Call me if you need anything," Derek said, letting Stiles go, "Even if you just want to talk. My phone is going to stay on all day. Okay, babe?"

"You act like I'm going to have a serious operation done or something," Stiles teased.

"I just want to make sure you're well taken cared of," Derek said.

"Thanks," Stiles said, moving out of bed only to fall to the floor.

Derek raised his eyebrows in concern. Stiles put a thumbs up in the air.

"I'm good," Stiles said, causing Derek to laugh.

Stiles walked on campus as Scott went up to him happily. Stiles grinned as he noticed Scott was practically glowing which could only mean one thing happened last night.

"You had sex, didn't you," Stiles asked.

"You bet your ass I did," Scott beamed.

"Nice. Isaac and you finally back to fucking each other, huh," Stiles asked.

"Shut up, man," Scott said.

Stiles chuckled. Two girls walked by talking to each other.

"Did you hear that the coach went on a vacation trip," One girl said.

"Yeah, apparently the substitute is totally hot," the other girl said.

"I heard that he had the prettiest eyes in the world," the first girl said before they both laughed.

"Substitute," Stiles asked.

"I guess so," Scott shrugged, "Hope Coach Finstock is alright."

"I'm sure he is," Stiles smiled, "He's a tough cookie."

Scott laughed as they continued walking.

Stiles stood with Scott, Danny, and Isaac, talking about the party last night and other news. Suddenly a whistle blew and all the students turned to see Dean walking up. He grinned as he saw Stiles.

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