Chapter 50- Sparring

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Warnings: Violence

Chapter Description: While sparring a member of the team realizes someone else is missing from the group, leading to a dangerous discovery.

The Next Week

Stiles fell flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. Kol leaned on his knees over Stiles.

"You alright," Kol asked.

"Yep," Stiles croaked.

Kol helped him up and tossed him a water bottle.

"You'll get better," Kol said, "You just need more practice."

"And maybe a pillow under my clothes," Stiles teased.

Kol laughed.

"Definitely that," Kol agreed.

There was a loud crash against the wall and Chris rolled to the ground, groaning in pain.

"What's the matter, hunter," Lucifer sneered, "Can't take a little toss?"

"Fuck you," Chris said, almost standing up.

"Save that for Sam. Hopefully, you'll be healthy enough to even have sex or not," Lucifer said as he picked the older hunter up again.

"Argh! You bitch," Dean growled.

Scott glared at Dean before going in to attack him again. Dean finally grabbed Scott's wrist and slammed him extra hard against the matt. Scott snarled with red eyes and he leaped to his feet to tackle Dean.

"You guys alright... Whoa! Peter," Sam snapped as he barely missed hit with Peter's claws, "You trying to kill me?!"

"Oops," Peter smirked, "Honest mistake. Maybe you should pay better attention, Winchester!"

Sam punched Peter in a heat of rage as they started fighting again.

"This is getting insane," Melissa muttered as she noticed the chaos happening around her.

Derek agreed before helping Melissa work on blocking attacks faster and more relaxed than how most others were sparring. Melissa was doing a great job with little mishaps of her getting hit.

"They're especially bad," Derek said, nodding over Klaus and Void.

Void grunted in pain as Klaus had him by the hair, grinning with bared fangs and hybrid eyes.

"Where's all that confidence, Void," Klaus taunted, throwing Void across the room.

Klaus was at him as soon as Void stood back up. He tried to fight back only to be hit brutally by the hybrid that would usually result in fatal damage for a regular human.

"My brother is going to end up tearing that entity apart," Elijah mumbled as Cora tried to land a hit on the Original.

Elijah caught the hit however and turned back to her with a smile.

"Getting better, I see," Elijah complimented.

"I haven't even landed a hit on you yet," Cora said frustrated.

"I know," Elijah said, "But you got closer this time. With enemies we're going to be facing, it would best to learn how to take advantage of situations like how you did. Sometimes you win, other times you learn."

Elijah pushed Cora back with a palm against her stomach.

"Let's try again, shall we," Elijah said coolly.

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