Chapter 4- Déjà Vu

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Chapter Description: Things get even weirder for Stiles as he has an eerily realistic dream.

Stiles walked through the dim forest that was lit up with fireflies. It was beautiful but it put him on edge quite a bit. Maybe it was because the last time fireflies were involved his old teacher was trying to kill his father and others. Stiles kept walking silently until he stepped on something odd. He looked down and noticed it looked like a large chunk of metal. Like something was buried underneath.

"Help! Help me!"

Stiles gasped and quickly tried to unbury the metal. Before long he noticed that what he unburied was some kind of box with engravings on it. The man's voice was heard again begging and pleading for him to help. Stiles slowly unlocked the box and a blonde man stepped out. He had a nice body and his nakedness showed the huge penis he had.

The man looked at Stiles, gratefully. He smiled warmly at him and walked closer. Stiles on instinct stepped back. As he did though he lost his footing and started to fall. The blonde man caught him before he tumbled all the way.

"What's your name," the man asked, tilting his head curiously.

"Stiles... You," Stiles asked, nervously.

"You saved me. Therefore I owe you my life. Whatever you need call me and I'll be there," the man smiled, letting go of Stiles to let him stand.

He started walking away but Stiles stopped him.

"How would I call you when I don't know you're name," Stiles asked.

"I'm sure you remember me," the man said, "We were very good friends before. But maybe you need a reminder of my name. It's Lucifer, Stiles. I'm your guardian angel..."


Stiles shot awake, sweating and breathing hard. He felt like he was going to throw up. Stiles rolled over and groaned.

"Stiles! Wake up! You're going to be late for school," Noah shouted.

Stiles got up as he realized his friends had left. They must've gone home early to get ready for school themselves. Stiles finished getting dressed and rushed to the living room. His father was up and dressed in his uniform. Stiles waved at Noah and sprinted out the door. Stiles noticed Sam and Dean outside talking beside a 1967 Chevy Impala. It was beautiful, large in size, and glistened a gorgeous black color. Stiles slowly got in his Jeep while awing at the muscle car. Dean and Sam turned to him making Stiles almost fall in embarrassment. He sat in his Jeep convincing himself that he played it off nicely. Stiles tried to start his car but it wouldn't start and soon the hood started smoking. He growled angrily before getting out and lifting the hood. The smoke made him cough heavily.

"Need help," Dean asked.

"I got it," Stiles said.

He truly didn't. Also, he was already running late and didn't have time to sit there and fix his car. Dean came over and noticed that his Jeep needed some serious tuning up. He threw Sam his keys.

"Sam will take you to school, Stiles. I'll fix your Jeep in the meantime," Dean said.

"Do you even know how to," Stiles asked.

"Considering I've practically built my Baby out of nothing, yeah," Dean said.

"She's beautiful," Stiles said, looking at the car again.

"You should hear how she roars," Dean smiled, warmly.

Stiles grabbed his backpack and went to the Impala to sit down. Dean leaned over Sam's side of the car.

"Be easy on her, Sam," Dean said.

"I know, Dean," Sam said.

"Don't push her too hard," Dean said.

"Dude, Stiles is going to be late," Sam said, cutting his eyes at Dean in annoyance.

Dean finally let them go and Sam drove away to Stiles school. Stiles texted Scott while Sam drove explaining his dream last night. Sam glanced over a few times and noticed that Stiles had mentioned Lucifer in his conversation. That made Sam grip the steering wheel tighter. Lucifer would have to go through him, Dean, and Cas before he ever laid a finger on the youngest Winchester.

Stiles got out of the car.

"I'll pick you up after school, alright," Sam said.

"Got it. Thanks, Sam," Stiles said, running inside.

He got to his class just as the bell rang. Stiles looked over at Isaac who nodded and smiled at him.

"Hey, man. How's it going," Isaac asked.

"Better than yesterday," Stiles said, "But I'm sure Scott already told you that I had a weird dream last night. It just seemed so realistic."

"The one with the devil," Isaac asked.

"Yeah," Stiles said.

It's almost amazing that talking about dreaming of the devil no longer sounds weird anymore to Stiles and his friends.

"Well, it was just a dream," Isaac said, "Remember that."

Just then the door opened and the blonde man that Stiles dreamt about last night walked in. Stiles felt himself stop breathing as Lucifer looked directly at him and smiled knowingly.

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