Chapter 32- Matter

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Warnings: Graphic Violence; Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) Symptoms

Chapter Description: With Scott's pack fighting to save Stiles and his brothers, they realize that more help was needed but it may just kill one of their own in the process.

Scott's pack fought against the vampires in a heated battle. Sam started noticing Chris slowly fighting his way over to them. A couple of vampires came up behind him. Sam was about to say something but before he could, Chris turned swiftly cutting off one of their heads and blasting another in the skull with his gun. Sam attempted to hide his excitement at seeing Chris hunt with such raw power briefly forgetting about him being held captive. Chris of course already saw it but kept an emotionless expression on his face. He finally reached them and used the bolt cutters to start cutting through the chains that bound them.


Stiles looked up and saw Peter get hit against his leg violently, making it crack out of place. Allison was beginning to get outnumbered causing Chris to run over to help her only for him to be tackled to the ground. Chris then had to work at trying to wrestle a vampire off of him to reach his daughter in time. More of them started losing the battle from being outnumbered and outpowered even Scott who was about to get torn apart by six or seven vampires. However, none of them were dead... Yet.

"Void," Stiles said, "Void, we have to help them! Void we have to save them. We can help. You can help. Please..."

The setting froze and the room darkened as Void stepped up. Stiles still tied to the chair stared at him in a silent plead.

"I can't help," Void said, causing tears to fall from Stiles's eyes, "Not this time, unfortunately. But you can, Stiles. You have so much power hidden inside of you but you're scared. However, one thing I noticed is that you're not willing to fight for yourself but when it comes to the people you love. You will go to war with God himself if need be. Now it's time to decide, Stiles. Let them all die or get up and fight!?"

Stiles opened his eyes and the world around him turned to nothing but specs that could easily be shifted or blown away with simple movements. He tilted his head curiously as time resumed to present.


Sam looked at Dean then at Stiles whose eyes glowed dark purple. He got up, shifting through the metal chains, and started going to the six vampires about to kill Scott. His hand slipped through the matter of the vampire holding Scott's right arm. He grabbed the brain of the vampire as it started screaming in agony and yanked it out before letting it fall. Stiles watched it fall silently.

Stiles looked up and walked to others that were getting attacked but to everyone else, he teleported. He reached Chris who was closer to him than Allison and pushed his hand into the vampire's chest, pulling out its heart which was still bleeding. Then he turned to the ones who were attacking Allison they all were watching him and when they noticed him looking they attempted to run but they were moving in slow motion to Stiles who simply walked over. He removed their heads from their bodies in a simple movement. The rest of the vampires tried to run as well after fully witnessing the death of their fellow monsters but Stiles killed them all. He felt himself depower after he massacred the enemies. Everyone was looking at him warily and unsure.

"Stiles," Scott said, walking up to him slowly.

Stiles looked at his best friend and smiled softly. He was happy that it worked out and also that Scott no longer looked like specs of colors.

"It worked..."

Stiles started throwing up blood and felt a painful burning in his heart. His brain also felt like it was trying to explode inside of his skull.

"Whoa, Stiles," Chris said, immediately grabbing the young man as he started tumbling down, "We need to get him to a hospital."

"Our car is outside the cave," Sam said, running ahead of Chris.

"Hang in there, kid," Chris said soothingly, "You'll be okay. You're going to be just fine."


Stiles coughed more blood and passed out before he could completely croak out the name of his guardian angel.

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