Chapter 12- Doorway for Darkness

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Chapter Description: Sam and Dean try to convince Noah to trust them but things go sideways when it's taken the wrong way.

Noah walked into his house and set his keys down. He looked at the Winchester boys talking at the table.

"Where's Stiles," Noah asked.

"He went out with his friends," Sam said.

"Where'd they go," Noah asked.

"To a party or something," Dean said, shrugging.

"What party? Where," Noah asked.

"No idea," Dean said, "Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Most likely nothing," Noah sighed, "I just worry about him sometimes. I miss talking to him honestly. I'll definitely miss him if he chooses to... Y'know."

"Yeah, I do," Dean said, "He'll be in good hands and you're free to visit whenever you like. It's just Winchesters always have a knack for trouble finding them. Stiles is a Winchester..."

"He doesn't have to be," Noah blurted.

"I know you care about him, Noah," Sam said, "You're a great father that tries his best to look out for his kid. But look at Stiles's life. He's surrounded by supernatural creatures already. Including his boyfriend and best friend. Winchesters not only hunt Supernatural but Supernatural just seems to automatically find a Winchester. Like magnets. Stiles needs to learn how to control his powe..."

"No. He's not one. He's not whatever the hell you think he is, alright," Noah said, defensively, "Until he shows proof he stays."

"What if he shows proof too late," Dean asked.

Noah stayed quiet. Dean stood up and walked toward Noah slowly.

"Are you really ready to bury your own son, Noah," Dean asked, "Are you ready to face the consequences of letting your son get killed because you didn't believe two guys that have seen everything on the face of the earth? My brother and I, we know your son is a Winchester. We know the dangers of your son being a Winchester but for some odd reason you can't put it in your goddamn head to believe it yourself!"


Dean turned around and saw Stiles and Lucifer standing there staring at them. Stiles had hate-filled eyes as he looked at Dean screaming in his father's face.

"Stiles, buddy, listen..."


"Stiles, don't..."

"Get him."

Lucifer charged at Dean and slammed him into the wall with glowing red eyes. Lucifer repeatedly smashed his head against the wall. Stiles just stood and watched as Dean started bleeding. Sam ran up to Stiles and he held his hand out. Sam was caught in a telekinetic hold. Stiles turned to Sam and tilted his head.

"Don't. Get. In. My. Way," Stiles said before pushing Sam away.

Sam hit a table.

"Sam," Dean shouted before Lucifer threw him to the ground.

Noah watched in horror as his son walked to Dean. There seemed to be darkness surrounding him as he stalked up to him.

"Dee," Sam groaned.

Stiles knelt to Dean's level and made a fist. Dean started choking. Stiles kept glaring at him.

"Stiles! Stiles, you can stop," Noah said, "Stiles!"

Castiel showed up and pushed Lucifer away. Which more caught him off guard than anything. Castiel then grabbed Stiles and held on tightly. He fought to place his hand on Stiles's forehead. Stiles growled animalistically but Castiel was still strong enough to win the struggle.

Stiles felt himself get extremely exhausted and went limp in Castiel's arms, falling asleep. Castiel carefully placed Stiles on the couch for now. Then he went to Dean and Sam, healing their wounds.

"I've never been so happy to see you in my life," Dean said.

Lucifer was standing next to Stiles. He knew that Stiles was simply asleep but still he was actually nervous about his condition. Dean walked up to Lucifer. Sam went to Noah.

"Believe us now," Sam asked.

"Yeah," Noah said, sadly, "I do."

"He'll be okay," Sam said, "I promise we'll do everything in our power to make sure that he's alright. But for now, we just have to make sure that he stays safe and most of all sane. Because in either case, things can get dangerous for him and those around him."

"How dangerous is he," Noah asked.

"Dangerous enough to bring this planet to extinction but also kill himself in the process," Dean answered.

"Or make him lose himself to complete darkness," Castiel said, "If that happens he'll be strong enough to take on even Amara and win."

"True," Lucifer said, "Very true. Stiles is just a kid. Dealing with something like this could destroy his mental state. Especially if he finds out how strong he is. Breaking his mind will allow the darkness to take over. He'd be unstoppable."

Sam, Dean, Castiel, and Lucifer looked at each other. They nodded to each other making a silent pact to protect Stiles from himself. Noah looked at them.

"When do you take him," Noah asked.

"We can't," Lucifer said, "Not after that outburst we can't. Not only did Stiles almost kill Dean but he also opened the doorway for his darker side to take over at any point. Whether that be out of fear, self-protection, or even..."

"Anger," Dean said, "Making Stiles upset is lethal now. We take him from here, he'll kill us all."

Noah sunk down into a chair and covered his face, stressed.

"What do we do," Noah asked.

"We'll figure that out," Castiel said, "You keep calm and act as if nothing happened. Don't talk about Stiles's abilities whatsoever. It'll only trigger him more."

"I can see if Dean or I can take a job at Beacon Hills Highschool," Sam suggested, "That way it'll be more eyes watching him."

"I can be a coach or assistant coach," Dean offered, truly wanting to be able to own a whistle again.

"That'll work," Lucifer said, "Sam and Castiel can figure something else out in the meantime."

"We can use his friends as well," Noah said, "They'll understand this. They'll definitely keep him under observation if needed."

"We'll do that as well then," Dean said, "For now we should really let him sleep in his own bed tonight."

Lucifer went to take Stiles to his bedroom. As he picked him up Stiles snored lightly, making Sam and Dean smile.

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