Chapter 38- Senses

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Chapter Description: As Stiles began to start to feel hypersensitive sensory, a teammate is affected greatly by the experience.

Stiles walked out of the room he was finished speaking to Chuck in. He leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. His head hurt a lot less than usual after using his abilities, but the pounding was still felt enough to make Stiles sit still for a minute. Peter was walking through the halls when he noticed Stiles there.

"Stiles, are you alright," Peter asked, stopping at a certain distance.

Stiles opened one of his eyes and looked at him. He lowered his eyelid enough to show that he was annoyed because being bothered by the beta. He fought the urge to roll his eyes and closes them instead.

"Oh, c'mon. Why is being kind to you kids like pulling teeth," Peter sighed, frustrated, "I'm actually worried about you, Stilinski."

Stiles opened his eyes again to look at Peter.

"I'm fine," Stiles said, sharply.

Peter was about to sass again when he noticed Stiles's eyes making him step back cautiously.

"Stiles," Peter said, an intense fearful gaze overtaking his face, "What's wrong with your eyes."

"What do you mean," Stiles asked, lifting his head fully to look at his Uncle-in-Law.

Peter took some shaky breaths, but grabbed a hand mirror and held it out for Stiles to see. Stiles grabbed the mirror as he realized what Peter was talking about. His eyes were different without intention. Except one eye was purple and the other was silver. What the fuck did silver mean?! That's when it happened. Once he noticed the difference in his eyes, his senses started shifting uncontrollably.

First was his hearing. There was a loud static and thumping that rang in Stiles's ears, making him try to cover them painfully.

"Stiles? You alright," Peter asked, more worried about his nephew's health than his own now.

The sound kept going and Stiles realized that Peter's chest moved up and down in rhythm with the thumping. Stiles was hearing Peter breathing.

"Hey, maybe you should get some more rest, kid," Peter suggested as Stiles's senses shifted again.

This time was his vision. It was normal for the most part but Stiles could see... Body heat? He looked at Peter as he stepped closer. The body heat radiated off of Peter's body greatly due to the werewolf factor in him.


"Leave," Stiles muttered, "Please. I don't want to hurt you."

"Let me help you..."

"LEAVE ME ALONE," Stiles yelled as his senses became too great to handle.

Peter winced and doubled over as his heart pounded extra hard in his chest. It felt like it was trying to escape from his skin. Peter gave a strangled cry before the pain dissipated quickly. He took in his breaths gratefully as Isaac walked up.


"Peter," Isaac called out.

Peter straightened when he didn't get an answer from Stiles but instead got one from Isaac. He looked around, looking for the teenage boy. Then his eyes fell on Isaac again in a panic.

"Stiles! He's... I... Something happened to him," Peter explained, "He left before I could help him."

"We know," Isaac said, "Stiles is asking to speak to you right now. Follow me."

Isaac walked away as Peter followed closely behind.

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