Chapter 24- Power of Void

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Warnings: Graphic Violence; Dissociative Identity Disorder Symptoms

Chapter Description: Void Stiles saves Derek and Scott from angels attacking them in Beacon Hills High School.

The other 6 angels charged at him. Void dodged one of their attacks and pushed his hand to his stomach killing the angel on impact. He ducked another's and did the same with 2 more. The last 3 started running. Void put his hand out and closed his eyes. Dark smoke started rising up his body to his outstretched hand. The 3 angels dropped to their knees choking on black smoke before they died as well. When Void opened his eyes they were briefly shining dark purple. He looked at Scott and Derek as his eyes returned to their normal coloration. Derek ran up to Void and went to kiss him. Void put his finger up, stopping Derek who looked confused.

"Sorry, buddy. You're attractive but it's not my place to kiss you," Void said, winking, "Give me a second."

Void closed his eyes briefly and opened them again, revealing a more innocent look behind them who was none other than Stiles. His eyes traveled to Derek's face before he broke down in tears hugging him. Derek hugged Stiles, smiling.

"I missed you," Derek whispered.

Stiles pulled up to kiss him tenderly.

"I missed you too," Stiles said, resting his forehead against Derek's.

Scott coughed lightly. Stiles looked over and grinned widely while going to him as well.

"I'm so glad you're home," Scott said, grabbing Stiles's shirt and glaring at him, "And if you ever disappear like that again you don't want to know what I'm going to do to you!"

Stiles put his hands up in surrender.

"Yes, father," Stiles sassed.

Scott hugged him before letting go.

"Does your dad know you're here? Or your brothers, excuse me, stepbrothers I mean," Scott said.

"No. I stopped here after hearing that the angels were attacking people," Stiles said.

"Who'd you hear from," Derek asked.

"Him," Stiles said, looking over to the shadows.

Derek and Scott looked confused as they didn't see anything there.

"Come out. They won't hurt you," Stiles said, soothingly.

Slowly a pure black horse stepped out of the small shadow. It was apparent that this horse was powered by Stiles's abilities as its hooves were smoking as he stepped closer to him. The horse stopped in front of Stiles and lowered his head to him.

"Good boy," Stiles said, "Guys, this is Nightmare. He's one of my friends that have been keeping an eye on things here. I have a few others that are also been helping control my abilities."

"He's huge," Scott awed.

"That's what she said," Stiles said, grinning, "I'm sorry. You fell right into that one. But honestly yeah. He is very large in size."

"So who's you're other friends," Derek asked, "Are there any wolves?"

"Why? Jealous," Stiles asked.

"Well, no. But if there are other wolves, hell yes," Derek said.

"No, Der. I knew that would make you upset. So no wolves," Stiles laughed, "I would never do anything to offend you, babe. But I do have a surprise for you."

Stiles lowered his collar to show a tattoo the exact same way Derek had his. Derek and Scott stepped closer to examine it.

"I'm impressed. I didn't think you liked needles," Derek said.

"Oh, I don't. Void had to do this for me," Stiles said.

"Your father is going to kill you," Scott grinned.

"Totally worth it," Stiles said.

"Come on! We got to talk to him," Derek said holding out his hand to Stiles.

He accepted the extended hand.

"I'll text the others and let them all know the good news," Scott smiled, whipping out his phone while Stiles and Derek started walking out.

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