Chapter 36- The Constant

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Chapter Description: Derek and everyone else wakes up in a very different area that they don't know. As they all interact arguments happen and Stiles makes a move to fix the aggressiveness in his family.

Derek opened his eyes after hearing voices. He sat up, noticing that he was tucked into a bed in a furnished room, somewhere away from Beacon Hills.

"What," Derek muttered, getting out of bed.

He followed where he heard people talking and Castiel saw him first, nodding his way to acknowledge his presence. Then the other three men turned his way. One of them was Lucifer, but he didn't know the other two.

"Cas, who are they," Derek asked, "What's going on?"

"This is Gabriel, he's an archangel," Castiel introduced, "And this is who you apparently prayed to, saving everyone's life by doing so."

Derek's eyes grew wide as he turned to Chuck.


"I prefer Chuck," Chuck smiled.

Derek suddenly felt underdressed and had no idea what to do. Did he bow? Kneel? Look away? Lower his eyes? What?

"I'm glad you prayed to me when you did, Derek," Chuck said, "You saved a lot of lives by doing that."

Derek suddenly remembered Stiles and Scott.

"What about Stiles," Derek asked, "And Scott?"

"Stiles was a team effort but he is safely resting in one of the rooms," Chuck said, "Lucifer asked to personally be allowed to resurrect Scott. I allowed it and made sure Scott was still the same as before. The most he believes happened is he passed out."

"I'm sorry about what happened, Derek," Lucifer said sincerely, "I have problems with handling anger and stress and that was just added anger on top of stressing about Stiles."

Derek hugged Lucifer who froze, not knowing if he was being attacked at the moment or not. It took a while but it slowly registered in Lucifer's head that he was being hugged and returned the affection.

"We all make mistakes," Derek said, letting go, "You're no exception. At least you made moves to try to redeem yourself."

Dean sprinted towards them, tackling Castiel in the process. Chuck and Gabriel were surprised by Dean happily hugging the angel who seemed flattered by the hunter, even though he was on the ground because of him.

Peter, Sam, and Chris also showed up. Lucifer sensed his werewolf and turned to be met with fangs, claws, and glowing blue eyes. Peter did no damage in trying to tackle Lucifer who just stepped back but didn't lose his footing. Peter bit Lucifer on the shoulder roughly.

"Ow," Lucifer said, dramatically.

"Your arm hurts? My heart hurts because I was stressing over you," Peter growled as got off of Lucifer's body to be eye to eye with the archangel, "I have never had so many kind feelings for anyone but somehow you got them! So I'm angry that you decided to make me worry of all the choices of emotions I could feel!"

Lucifer hugged Peter who frowned but blushed heavily at the embrace given.

"Okay, okay! You're forgiven, angel," Peter sighed, rolling his eyes, "Just let go of me already. I don't like being hugged."

Lucifer slowly let go of Peter. Chuck and Gabriel were even more surprised that Lucifer managed to get a partner as well.


Dean's rageful voice rang loudly in Lucifer's ears. He ran up to him and started shouting a ring of hurtful insults at the archangel who said nothing in return. Derek held onto Dean's shoulder, Sam held his arm, and Castiel stood to the side ready to jump in to make sure no fists were thrown at least.

Stiles opened his eyes slowly and realized that he wasn't home. Then he looked to his right noticing Scott lying in his own bed, sleeping. Stiles got out of his bed and moved to what he thought was Scott's corpse. He reached out to pet his friend's head but was surprised when Scott's hand shot forward, grabbing his wrist. He mumbled some indistinct words before shuffling around in the bed and falling back asleep. Stiles grabbed Scott's shoulders and shook him violently.

"What, Stiles?! I'm trying to sleep," Scott said bitterly, pushing Stiles's hands away.

Stiles hugged Scott tightly as tears fell from his eyes while he smiled. Scott hugged him without a fight this time in concern as to why he was crying.

"Stiles, you alright," Scott asked, more gently.

"I'm just so happy to see you awake," Stiles said, sniffling.

Dean's screams were heard, causing the two teenagers to sprint out there, not wanting to witness anyone else hurt or dying. They stopped at seeing Dean being the aggressor and Lucifer being the victim this time. Stiles's vision shifted easier and he moved Dean away from Lucifer without touching him.

"ENOUGH," Stiles yelled as his eyes changed from dark purple to light brown, "Why are you always bickering!? Haven't we been through enough fights and arguments already?! We have lost lives because of this crap!"

Everyone else walked out of their rooms after hearing Stiles yelling. Scott stood beside Stiles, silent but ready to defend his friend to his last breath.


"Shut up, Dean," Stiles yelled, "I'm not finished yet. You all call yourselves family, teammates, friends, and more, yet you are so ready to go for each other's throats and stab each other in the back! That's not what a team does! That is not what a family does! Dean, you were talking to me months back. You had told me that family is there through everything, good, bad, thick, and thin. Lucifer is part of that family whether you like it or not. Which means he has to be treated as such. Lucifer is still capable of making mistakes but somehow we forgot how to forgive. We all have done things we're not proud of once in our lives."

Stiles started looking around at everyone in there listening. Noah and Melissa were included in the band of standbys.

"I've done things. I nearly took out a whole fucking town because I was heartbroken. Doing wrong and forgiving is a constant for all of us. So if Lucifer is so bad then I'm so much worse," Stiles continued, "I can't go through losing any more people I love and care about. So if you can't get over rivalries for yourselves, then please for the love of God, do it for me! I'm begging you!"

Stiles's eyes landed on his eldest brother with a sad, pleading look. Dean sighed, knowing Stiles was right. But also Stiles used those puppy eyes like magic. He made his way back over to Lucifer.

"I mean we're going to be family anyway," Dean shrugged, holding out his hand, "So might as well learn how to get along early. I'm willing to put our rivalry on hold, no matter how much I want to punch that stupid look off of your face."

Lucifer accepted Dean's hand.

"I agree. And are you talking about this stupid look," Lucifer teased while giving a playful smile, "I thought you always liked it?"

Dean rolled his eyes but smiled. Stiles looked over as he saw Chuck nod at him proudly before moving to another room. He patted Scott on the arm before following after the entity.

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