Chapter 31- Hunting

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Warnings: Violence

Chapter Description: Stiles goes hunting with his brothers to prevent his prophetic dream. When things go south some unlikely allies show up to help.

Stiles opened his eyes and sat up. His head started pounding like crazy.

"That was a weird dream," Stiles mumbled.

He staggered to the bathroom and searched through the cabinets, looking for some ibuprofen. He stumbled and got caught in a man's arms. Stiles looked up and saw the arms belonged to Castiel. Stiles got really awkward and stood up quickly making his head swim.

"Are you alright, Mieczyslaw," Castiel asked, pronouncing Stiles's first name perfectly.

"Y-yeah," Stiles said, stuttering, "Say, where's Sam and Dean?"

"In the dining room," Castiel answered, "Why? Is something bothering you?"

"I... I don't know yet," Stiles said, turning his head to the door making his vision blur for a split second.

Stiles opened his eyes to see Castiel had a hold of him again, looking at him worriedly. Stiles stood and apologized profusely. Castiel held onto the youngest Winchester's arm this time, in case he stumbled again.

"Are you sure you're alright," Castiel asked.

"Yep, never better," Stiles lied.

Castiel placed his hand on Stiles's neck before he could smack the angel's hand away. Castiel tilted his head and made a squinty eye face. Stiles knew he was fucked when that face was made.

"I should really get going," Stiles said about to walk away.

Castiel pulled him back.

"I know you don't trust me..."

"I trust you, Cas. Basically, because you're literally the nicest angel I've come across so far," Stiles said, causing Castiel to give a small smile, "But I also know you're first place trust lies with Dean. So you're going to tell him everything most likely when you end up visiting him at night again..."

"How do you know about that," Castiel asked.

"I have ears that work," Stiles sassed, "Times like those I really wished they didn't."

Castiel rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically.

"We have to tell your brothers, Mieczyslaw. They'll be even more upset if they find out on their own and not from you," Castiel reasoned, "I know you Winchesters have a bad habit of locking up your feelings but I hope that you would be the first to break that cycle. Please don't prove me wrong."

Stiles knitted his eyebrows as Castiel grabbed his neck and held it so Stiles couldn't escape being healed this time. Then the angel left with the flap of wings. Stiles walked to the dining room where he found both brothers sitting like Castiel said they would be. They stopped talking when Stiles stepped into the room. He looked at the table and noticed the map and literature about Vamps.

"Hey, Stiles," Dean said, turning his attention to Stiles, "Wassup?"

"You guys are going hunting," Stiles asked.

"Yep," Sam said.

"Can I go," Stiles asked quickly, "I want to go as well. I think it would be fun to hunt with my older brothers. A way to bond with you both. Don't you agree?"

"I, uh, I don't know, kid," Dean said.

"C'mon, Dean. I can get better at doing this if you'd just give me a chance," Stiles reasoned.

"Okay. Then a question will determine if you should go," Sam said, "How do you kill a vampire?"

"Easy, decapitation," Stiles said, "Dead man's blood slows them down quite a bit as well. The colt is also really useful. Angels, Demons, and such can also kill vamps with ease."

"I think he's ready, Dean," Sam smiled.

"Alright, get ready but if your father asks I didn't agree to this," Dean said, gathering his stuff.

Stiles ran to get ready figuring that if he went he could prevent whatever happened in his dream last night.

Stiles walked into the same cave that he remembered dreaming about.


Stiles and Dean looked at Sam who pointed to the sigils on the wall of the cave.

"No angelic help apparently," Sam said, tapping the symbols.

"Great," Dean muttered.

Stiles looked around when he thought he heard a noise while gripping his bat tighter. It was craved similar to his dream but more efficient and deadly. He jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Easy, kid," Dean said calmly, "You hear something?"

"I thought I did," Stiles muttered, "But I think I'm just paranoid."

"That's not always a bad thing," Sam said, "But not always a good thing either. C'mon, let's keep going."

Stiles glanced at where he heard the noise once more before following the older hunters.

Sam struggled as Stiles also fought to try and help Dean who was ironically getting his ass kicked by a vampire. At least they didn't have gags on like Stiles's nightmare.

"You think you could beat me," A female vampire said, kicking Dean in the gut, "You underestimate us."


The female vampire turned in time to get her head blown off. Allison stood there as Scott's pack showed up.

"Stay back kids," Dean warned.

He got his head patted and he looked up to see Scott standing there.

"You may be a prophesied famous hunter from Kansas," Scott said as he stood and his eyes glowed red, "But this is our town to save."

Then Scott howled as Isaac and the other werewolves also started changing to werewolf form. Allison got another arrow prepared to fire. Chris cocked his gun and unsheathed his machete. And even Peter snarled evilly with standing beside Chris with glowing blue eyes.

"Guys," Scott said, facing the vampires who started snarling at them, "Let's show them how we do it in Beacon Hills."

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