Chapter 7- Heartbreaks and Broken Bones

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Chapter Description: Stiles's situation worsens as the day goes on.

Derek and Stiles kissed passionately in Derek's back seat while gliding their hands over each other's bodies.

"I'm going to miss class," Stiles mumbled into Derek's mouth.

"I don't care," Derek muttered.

Derek pressed his nose against the nape of Stiles's neck, taking in his scent. Stiles closed his eyes, trusting Derek. It always felt special for Derek when Stiles let him close to his neck, let alone close his eyes as well. More than likely because Derek could rip Stiles's throat out which he's threatened to do plenty of times in the past. But Stiles didn't fight him. It made Derek's heart swell with pride and adoration for his lover.

Derek suddenly pulled away making Stiles look at him again.

"What is it," Stiles asked.

Derek didn't answer him and pressed his nose to him again.

"Der," Stiles said, uneasily.

"You smell... Different," Derek said, "I smell like another person has been on you or around you."

Stiles leaned away from Derek.

"Can you identify whether it's a man or woman," Stiles asked.

"It doesn't even smell human to be honest," Derek said, "Doesn't smell like any animal either..."

"Lucifer," Stiles mumbled.

"The devil," Derek asked.

There was a knock on the glass of Derek's car. They both turned to see Lucifer standing there motioning for Derek to roll the window down. Derek unlocked the door and opened it.

"Can I help you," Derek asked.

"Stiles, shouldn't you be in class right now," Lucifer asked, ignoring Derek's question completely.


"Why do you care," Derek asked, "The fuck are you anyway? And how do you even know Stiles?"

Lucifer tilted his head up proudly and looked down at Derek. He smirked while realizing that Derek wasn't human.

"Smell me and find out," Lucifer said.

"Excuse me," Derek said.

"Do it," Lucifer commanded, dropping his smirk.

Derek hesitated before leaning in slightly and taking a whiff of Lucifer's scent. It was the same as the one covering over Stiles. Derek's eyes glowed bright blue and he snarled.

"Derek, don't..."

Derek tackled Lucifer and extended his claws. Lucifer laughed at Derek's attempt to intimidate him.

"You think you can intimidate me, Derek," Lucifer asked.

Suddenly his face seemed to glitch to reveal something much more horrifying underneath. Derek stayed looking until it happened again. Derek fell off of Lucifer.

"I have seen things you can only imagine witnessing, boy," Lucifer said, his face still glitching, "You are an ant compared to me, Derek."

Derek got up and stood in front of Stiles, protectively. Stiles noticed that Lucifer kept going and started getting angry. Like he was offended by Derek trying to protect Stiles. It seemed to be the same reaction to Dean trying to offer support to Stiles during lunch as well. Derek kept backing up as Lucifer kept stepping forward. Stiles moved Derek to the side and went in front of Lucifer, despite the beta trying to stop Stiles. Lucifer stared down at Stiles since he was taller than him.

"Stop it," Stiles commanded, "You've proven your point, Lucifer. You can stop now."

Lucifer looked at Derek who looked from him to Stiles and back again. Lucifer then looked at Stiles again.

"You think you love him," Lucifer asked, "Don't fool yourself. Love just causes distractions and problems. You can do so much more if you just give up this werewolf. You have the world at your fingertips and you choose to be mated with a simple werewolf who isn't even an alpha?"

Stiles glared at Lucifer daringly before turning to Derek. Derek stayed looking down.

"Don't listen to him, Derek..."

"Don't worry about it," Derek said, "Bye, Stiles."

"Derek, wait," Stiles said, trying to grab Derek to make him stop.

Derek got in his car and sped away. Stiles felt his blood boil.

"Good riddance," Lucifer said.

Stiles turned and punched Lucifer in the face. His hand hurt and Lucifer wasn't affected but he kept punching him repeatedly while screaming angrily. Soon Stiles was bleeding from punching Lucifer and he was pretty sure that he broke some of his bones along with tearing his skin. He finally stopped and Lucifer tried to grab his hand to heal his injuries.

"Don't fucking touch me," Stiles yelled.

Lucifer halted his movements and pulled his hand back. Stiles felt tears start to well in his eyes.

"Stiles, I just want to heal you," Lucifer said.

"I don't give a fucking damn," Stiles said, through clenched teeth, "Don't touch me."

"You're badly hurt," Lucifer said, "You have broken bones."

"My heart's broken because of you, asshole," Stiles screamed, "I lost the man I loved because of you! All because of you! So leave me alone!"

Lucifer knew that Stiles's friends were outside nearby, having heard Stiles screaming.

"Leave me alone," Stiles repeated.

"Let me at least take you to the hospital," Lucifer offered.

Scott stepped up.

"I can take him," Scott said, "He's fine with me."

"You should leave," Isaac said, "As he told you to."

"Let his friends take care of him for now," Allison said.

One by one Scott's pack stood next to Stiles to protect their own against the fallen archangel. Lucifer knew he could kill them all easily but he was impressed that they stood against him despite it being a losing battle. So he stepped back before finally leaving. Scott turned to Stiles.

"Your hand," Scott said.

Stiles lifted it. There were broken bones and plenty of ripped tissue. Scott examined it, causing his eyes to glow red in anger.

"I'll kill him," Scott snarled.

Stiles stayed looking down, gulping his tears.

"What happened," Lydia asked.

"Derek is mad at me," Stiles said, his voice quivering, "Because of Lucifer. I lost Derek."

"Hey, don't say that," Danny said, "I'm sure he just needs to cool off. He'll be back though."

Stiles nodded and tried to muster a smile.

"Come on, I'll take you to the hospital," Scott said.

"What about class," Stiles asked.

"I'm the fucking alpha. I do what I fucking want," Scott said, going over to his bike.

Stiles laughed and followed Scott over.

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