Chapter 28- Brother's Approval

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Chapter Description: Sam gets ready for his date with some help from others.

There was a knock on the door and Allison went to answer it, thinking it was her dad. But Sam and Dean stood there. Sam suddenly wanted to hide as Allison looked at the skirt he had on.

"Wow," Allison said.

Sam put his head down embarrassed.

"That skirt looks beautiful on you," Allison finished.

Sam picked his head up and looked at her.

"Really," Sam asked.

"Yeah," Allison agreed quickly, "Come on in!"

Sam followed Dean in after he lightly punched Sam on the arm as if saying I told you so. Stiles turned around and grinned at his two brothers.

"Hey guys," Stiles said, he paused at the sight of Sam, "Or, uh, what would you prefer to be called?"

"Guys is fine too," Sam smiled lightly.

"Okay," Stiles said, "You look incredible by the way, Sam. You are rocking that skirt with skill."

Sam laughed.

"Thank you," Sam grinned.

Lydia walked up to Sam and looked at him closely with an approving smile on her face.

"I knew you'd look good in it," Lydia said with a wink.

Sam and Dean finally turned their full attention to their youngest brother. They gave Stiles a bear hug which he gladly accepted.

"I missed you guys so much it's ridiculous," Stiles confessed.

"We missed you too," Dean said, "You left me with this guy."

Dean pointed his thumb towards Sam who gave him the signature Winchester bitchface. Dean smiled as if saying he didn't really mean it. Allison's phone dinged revealing that she got a text message.

"Hey, my dad is on his way over to pick you up," Allison told Sam.

"Thanks," Sam said.

"You have a date," Lydia asked, "That's why you're wearing the skirt?"

"Yeah," Sam said, looking down at the skirt.

"Well, have you ever had your hair down in like maybe a man bun or something," Lydia asked, "Or wanted to? I mean it's a date and you got to look you're best right?"

Sam's eyes gave away his excitement. He's tried doing more with his hair but could never get it right. That's actually one of the reasons he grew his hair out in the first place. But he's always awed at Lydia's fashion skills and flawless hair. Lydia saw his enthusiasm and took his hand to pull him aside and work on his hair.

Dean walked up to Allison.

"So your father is going out with Sammy, huh," Dean asked.

"Yep," Allison said, "And no, I don't know where they're going either."

Allison knew better than to give any intel to Dean who would of course spy on the date to make sure Chris didn't try anything.

"Dammit," Dean cursed.

"Finished," Lydia said in a sing-song way.

She showed Sam off. His hair was in a small man bun but he still had some hair out on the back of his head.

"Wow," Dean awed, raising his eyebrows.

"I couldn't have said it better," Stiles said.

"He looks beautiful," Allison smiled.

"Thank you..."

The door opened again and Derek walked in with Chris. Chris looked up and did a double-take when he saw Sam. Sam froze in place. Chris walked up to Sam keeping his eyes trained on him.

"I... I thought it would... Would be nice... If I could... I can change," Sam stuttered, suddenly very nervous and having slight regrets about wearing anything feminine.

"No," Chris breathed, "You don't have to change a damn thing, Sam. You are amazing when you are being yourself. So don't ever change."

Sam blushed heavily.

"Thank you, Chris," Sam said, trying to hide his smile.

Chris held out his hand and Sam took it. He turned and came face to face with Dean.

"Chris, before you go and decide to date Sam I need to make sure you are good for him," Dean said.

"Dean, I'm not a child," Sam said.

"Not now, Sammy. The grown-ups are talking," Dean said.

Sam rolled his eyes, knowing he wasn't going to win this battle against his older brother.

"So what do you want with him huh," Dean asked.

"I want something long-term and permanent," Chris said, "I want to be there to cherish him forever and love him. I also want to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and gets himself hurt on missions as well. I don't want to take him away from you, Dean. I never have. I just want to be a part of him. If you don't accept that then I'll step away right now and continue trying to prove myself to you until you do..."

"Chris," Sam started.

Chris gave Sam's hand a reassuring light squeeze but didn't break eye contact with Dean. Dean stared for a while until he finally smiled and backed down. Chris finally let out his held breath.

"Take care of him," Dean said, "Or I'll hunt you down, Argent."

"I plan on it," Chris said.

Then he led Sam out of the room.

"I feel like I'm going to regret this," Dean mumbled with a sigh.

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