Chapter 8- Love You To Death

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Chapter Description: With Stiles's life going up in flames he turns to the only way he sees as an escape.

Stiles sat in his room looking at the 300+ text messages he sent to Derek. Derek wasn't responding. Stiles thought about texting again but stopped himself. It's been 3 months and Derek hasn't talked to him at all. Stiles stayed sitting in bed, alone in his room. His hand was no longer broken either. Castiel turned out to be an angel and healed Stiles's broken bones and injuries after he got home.

"Stiles, dinner," Dean called out.

Stiles sighed and got up. His father was at work again tonight, leaving him alone with his brothers. He went to the dining room and sat at the table.

"You alright, kid," Dean asked.

"Fine. Just stressed out," Stiles said.

"Have to do with Lucifer or Derek," Sam asked.

"Derek. Lucifer can go back to hell," Stiles said, causing Dean to chuckle, "Especially after the stunt he pulled."

Lucifer listened from outside the house. He took a deep breath and went to where Derek lived. Lucifer got there and saw Derek drunk kissing some random chick. The chick looked at Lucifer who glared at them both.

"Beat it, lady," Lucifer demanded with glowing red eyes.

The woman obeyed immediately. Lucifer pressed his finger to Derek's forehead forcing him to sober faster. Derek looked up at him and snarled again.

"What do you want? Stiles chose you," Derek asked, grabbing his shirt and putting it on.

"No, he didn't, dumbass," Lucifer said, "He loves you so much it's ridiculous. Haven't you been getting any of his many texts?"

"I turned my phone off," Derek confessed.

"Turn it back on," Lucifer demanded, grabbing his phone and placing it in his hand.

Derek rolled his eyes but listened. He read the texts and was moved to tears.

"He loves you, Derek," Lucifer said.

Derek put his hand up as he went down to the last two messages.

"Oh my god," Derek muttered, jumping up and running out.

Lucifer sighed, frustrated. Then followed after him.

Stiles sat in his room again with a pill bottle in his hand. His life was already going to shit. Stiles was already looking for a reason to end his life since he was young and his mother died. Now he had one. Stiles placed the pills in his hand and turned off his phone. He looked up at the night sky through his bedroom window.

"See you soon, mom," Stiles said.

The bedroom door broke down just as Stiles put the pills in his mouth. Derek, Dean, Sam, and Lucifer ran in. Derek pushed Stiles's head down and forced him to open his mouth. All the pills inside fell to the ground as Dean and Sam checked on him as well. Lucifer stayed quiet to see if Stiles needed any healing.


"Don't you ever scare me like that again," Derek snapped, "If you kill yourself, I'll... Fucking kill you!"

"That doesn't make sense..."

"I know it doesn't make sense but I'm worried and scared for your health right now," Derek said, "I practically ran from my loft to here out of fear for you."

Stiles slowly smiled.

"You ran all that way for me," Stiles asked.

"Yes, you idiot," Derek said, hugging Stiles, "Of course, I did. I'll lose my fucking mind if I lost you to death."

Stiles relaxed in Derek's hug. He looked past him at Lucifer walking out the room.

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