Chapter 9- The Devil Needs a Date

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Chapter Description: With an event Scott's pack planned for happening that night they have to figure out a way to keep Lucifer busy. And someone unexpected seems to be the perfect bait for the devil.

Stiles walked through the school campus the next day.

"Stiles," Scott called out.

Stiles turned to see Scott sprinting towards him at supernatural speed. Stiles was about to smile until he saw Scott's eyes glowing red and his angry expression. Stiles instantly turned and started running away. It was by far too late by then speaking as to how he was already right behind him. Scott tackled Stiles to the ground and wrestled with him.

"Why didn't you tell me about the shit that happened last night?! I had to hear it from Derek," Scott growled.

"Dammit, Scott. I was tired last night and my phone was off. What do you want from me," Stiles asked.

"An apology and explanation," Scott snapped, finally pinning Stiles on the ground, "Right now!"

"You truly want to know," Stiles asked.

"Yes," Scott shouted.

"Derek and I fucked all night long until I fell asleep," Stiles said, "Are you happy now?"

"Derek and you are back together," Scott asked.

"Yes, we made up last night," Stiles said, pushing Scott off.

"That's actually really sweet," Scott taunted, giving a genuine smile though.

Isaac walked up to them and smiled as they both stood up.

"Hey, guys," Isaac said.

"Hi, Isaac," Stiles greeted.


Scott was about to finish his greeting to Isaac but was surprised by a deep kiss on the lips.

"Okay," Scott said, slightly concerned.

"You remember what's going on tonight right, Stiles? Since you and Derek are back together," Isaac asked, having heard the conversation.

"That party, right," Stiles asked.

"Yep," Isaac said.

"Lucifer will have tag along," Stiles said, "Literally no control over that anymore. You can thank both Derek and my brothers for that one."

"Okay, let's get him a date then," Isaac said, "Simple as that."

"We're talking about the same entity that claimed love to be a distraction," Stiles sassed.

"He's got to like having sex though," Scott said, "Everyone likes having sex."

"Scott's right," Isaac shrugged, winking at his lover.

"I don't even know if he has a type. Besides he's over at Derek's at the moment," Stiles said.

"Have Derek ask," Isaac said.

"I guess," Stiles sighed, taking his phone out and texting Derek, "But if he gets mad I'm going to turn into the biggest snitch of the century."

Derek looked at his phone as it buzzed. Lucifer adventured around the loft, taking in his surroundings. There was a small knock before the door opened. Peter stepped inside and sighed irritably when he saw Derek.

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