Chapter 35- When The Heart Burns

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Warnings: Graphic Violence; Major Character Death

Chapter Description: Void comes out to speak to Stiles's friends and family causing an adverse reaction. After a close member of the team dies in front of Stiles who awakes to help, everyone witnesses just what was warned about Stiles becoming lethal to everything around him. And there seems no one is capable of saving them this time.

Lydia rushed up to the others. Scott noticed the terror in her demeanor.

"You okay, Lydia," Scott asked.

"No. Not really. Considering I just witnessed Stiles talking with another version of himself who was sitting on the counter blowing bubbles," Lydia said.

Dean glanced at Sam and back again. Sam knew what Dean was saying without words. He thought it was similar to Sam having a hallucination of Lucifer after his soul returned from hell. Hallucifer would do things of that such as well, including sitting on counters and casually trying to converse with Sam. It didn't make it better that Void was well... Kind of evil in a way.

"Then Stiles got angry and items start floating and turning ash before he realized it and fell asleep," Lydia continued to ramble, "Also the one he was arguing with knew I could see him and now I am terrified for my life."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Aiden said, trying to comfort Lydia.

"Uh, I wouldn't be so quick to assume that," Isaac said, staring towards Stiles's room.

"What do you... Oh shit," Allison muttered.

Everyone turned to see what caught their attention and saw Void walking up to them with a lollipop in his mouth.


"No. That's him. That's who Stiles was arguing with," Lydia said in almost a whisper.

Void's dark gaze stared right at Lydia as if he heard her. She flinched on instinct. Void finally stopped in front of the group. He took the stick out of his mouth that was unexpectedly smoking like it was attempting to catch on fire.

"Those are good," Void said, throwing the stick in the trash without looking, "Stiles, was right about that flavor. So this is the band of idiots and losers that he hangs out with. I'm disappointed."

His eyes traveled through them until they stopped at Lucifer. He rocked on his heels and smiled.

"At least some of you show promise," Void said, walking through them and making his way to Lucifer, "I don't believe we've been properly introduced. Void."

Void held out his hand to Lucifer who hesitated but grabbed it. Void began to feed on Lucifer who seemed to be greatly affected. Lucifer dropped to his knees and cried out in pain. He dropped his head and breathed hard as Void smiled evilly. But his smile disappeared when Lucifer opened one eye and grinned playfully.

"Did you really think that worked," Lucifer asked, gripping Void's hand so he couldn't leave.

Lucifer stood up slowly and looked down at Void with pride.

"You didn't even get my name before actually trying to feed," Lucifer said, "Lucifer."

Void raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"The Lucifer," Void asked, "Like the devil? The fallen archangel? Satan?"

"In the flesh," Lucifer said, letting go of his hand finally.

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