Juniper Berry

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Eowyn much preferred living on Dragonstone than Kings Landing

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Eowyn much preferred living on Dragonstone than Kings Landing. There was less judgement. She could wake up, change into comfortable clothes and go train all day without whispers. Her brothers were free to explore without fear someone would call them bastards or insult their family. But being back here made her jealousy grow, all three of her brothers had a dragon and she still didn't have one. Her egg had never hatched in her cradle, and she knew there wasn't many left, roaming the free world. After her training she would always retire to the library, she didn't tell her mother she was reading about reports of dragon sightings. A lot of them were seen above Dragonstone, in the mountains and that night she decided to go and find herself a dragon. She would leave on the morrow.

When dawn broke Eowyn climbed from her bed, she was too excited to sleep so she saw every passing hour. She changed into the Targaryen riding armour she had managed to steal from her mothers chambers a day prior. She filled her water skin with fresh water and placed her trusty blade in the sheath and now she had to sneak out of the grounds without any servants seeing her. Easily said than done. She hid in the shadows, thankfully it was early enough that there weren't many people around and when she reached the gardens, she could run towards the opening of the valley which led to the mountains. Her mother was going to kill her, if the dragons didn't. Climbing the side of the mountain was tough, the breath already knocked out of her chest before she reached the flat surface at the top. But at least she didn't fall. Eowyn made the mistake to look behind her at the sheer drop onto the jagged rocks beneath her. "Seven hells.." Well hopefully she wouldn't have to return that way. She just had to find a dragon, get it to trust her, bond with it. That's easy, right?

The fog was heavy up here and she had to move forward slowly, making sure there was solid ground beneath her feet before continuing. She walked for what seemed like hours, she was losing hope and fast but then she heard a low rumble in the distance. The noise was familiar, she had been around Dragons her whole life – she just never had one for herself. She approached cautiously, singing an old Valyrian song from the history books, something that apparently soothed a wild Dragon. The more she sang the louder the rumble was. Of course, she was scared but this is something she wanted, something she needed. The Dragon came into view, and they were huge, bigger than any she had ever seen before. Her voice trembled as she sang and then the golden eyes were on her. Holding out her right hand towards the beast's snout she awaited a sign she could touch them; the dragon sniffed her hand and then their snout pressed against her palm. Her fingers carefully trailed along their scales. "Issa brōzi iksos eowyn. Nyke mijegon nykeā zaldrīzes. Nyke hope ao claim issa hae aōha own." (My name is Eowyn. I am without a dragon. I hope you claim me as your own.)

The next half an hour was spent gaining their trust, she fed them berries she had stolen from the kitchen on her escape. "Ao issi gevie" (You are beautiful.) The dragon moved to their feet, and they were nearly as tall as their surroundings. Definitely a sight Eowyn was lucky to see in her lifetime. Dragons were beautiful, fantastic and majestic creatures and now it seems she finally had one of her own. The wings were laid out at an angle, and she knew this dragon was now her own. Grinning from ear to ear she climbed onto their back, holding on for dear life as she spoke again. "Sōvegon eglie se dāez." (Fly high and free.) No where in the history books did it say how exhilarating riding a dragon was. The flight back to Dragonstone was over too quickly for Eowyn's liking, especially when they landed, and she climbed off the dragon. It was only then in the proper light she could tell it was a girl, but the markings and colourings weren't of any she had studied so she decided to give them a name. After thinking for a moment, she caressed the side of their face and whispered softly. "My beautiful Juniper." Their beautiful moment was cut short when she heard footsteps running to her and seeing her mothers face, she knew she was in trouble. But everyone's reaction to a new dragon stopped the yelling. Momentarily.

"You can't just run off like that Eowyn! We have enemies. People that would have your head." Rhaenyra was always a mother first before anything else. She would die and kill for her children and as much as Eowyn hated her protectiveness, she respected it. "I'm sorry mother but look! I brought a giant to the battle. Our house will be untouchable." Rhaenyra pinched the bridge of her nose, almost like trying to fight away a headache her daughter had caused.

"Your father and I must travel to Driftmark for Lady Laenas funeral. We will take the boys with us but for this ridiculous act you'll be staying here. Alone." Eowyn knew it was pointless to argue so went skulking off to her chambers instead. She may be locked away but now she had a dragon. She was a true Targaryen. And it was the biggest Dragon she had ever seen.

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