The Mormonts

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Sleep never came for the Princess, every single time her eyes closed she pictured her brother on that barrel and she wondered if his fate would have been any different if she had let him attack first. But she would blame herself regardless. It was her job as the older sibling to protect him and she had failed, just as she failed Luke too. There was a forest green coloured dress placed in her room by one of the handmaidens and she groaned at the colour, it was too alike everything Alicent had worn but she knew she had to be presentable to meet the other house from the north. She reluctantly changed, pinning her hair by her ears and leaving the room. The ship was busy, Ben shouting orders to the sailors and Cregan stood by the captain as the ship grew closer to land.

She moved to stand next to the Lord and he gave her a look before his eyes were back on the view before them, they were back in the cold now. The ship having to fight through ice to get to the harbour. When they docked, she turned to see Ben stood beside her, leaning his head down to whisper softly. "You should try and sleep when you get a chance, your eyes look heavy." He was always looking after her wellbeing, and it was a welcomed relief. Giving his arm a gentle squeeze, he knew his words would probably fall on deaf ears. Everyone except several sailors left the ship now, making the small walk into the town to meet with Lord Mormont who even though he had no idea they were coming was very accommodating. It was obvious that due to the location this wasn't one of the wealthy houses in the north but like the Starks, they were men and women of honour. Eowyn's silver Targaryen hair stood out between the sea of brown, black and even red hair.

"Ah Cregan, we didn't know you were coming. Or that you would be bringing a Targaryen into these parts. A new wife?" Lord Mormont wasn't exactly being rude; he was just curious.

"No, my Lord. Princess Eowyn has come for my help in helping her mother sit the iron throne. My father had given his word so I'm helping with aid. But we have come to warn you that we had to take out a fleet of ships from the triarchy. I need you to send word to the other northern houses as I sail to the south." Cregan tried his best to explain but without going into too much detail.

"What Lord Stark is trying to say is that I destroyed the ships, with my dragon." Eowyn now smiled, feeling happy about undermining Cregan when he was trying to take all of the glory for her dragon.

Lord Mormont laughed quite loudly at her honesty and brashness. He liked her fire. "I will let the houses know a dragon claimed the ships, and that there could be more on their way. Come on inside, have a day free from the unsettled waters before you both leave for your journey."

They followed the elderly Lord back into his grand hall, while they were speaking outside, he had rushed his housemaids and kitchen staff to fill the tables with grand food and wines for the unexpected company.

"We appreciate your welcome, Lord Mormont. I must say, everyone here in the North has been very welcoming. I will ensure my house never forgets this, should you ever need a dragon." She smiled warmly, the older man being quite charmed by her presence. They shared war stories, drinks and food together and whenever Eowyn was in a group with Cregan, she didn't mind him.

The rooms here were warmer than Winterfell, but not by a lot. The alcohol consumed at dinner had ensured some sleep came to Eowyn. But her thoughts were always on her husband, the man she loved with her whole entity who had been cruelly taken from her. But this dream was a good one, holding him in her embrace and never letting him go again. Until morning came and she was brought back to reality by a handmaiden offering to help her dress. If it was anyone else who had awakened her, she would of probably cursed them out, but this girl was probably six and ten at the most and she seemed quite scared by the Princess already. So, she offered her a warm smile, helping the younger female to relax before she could dress her. This dress was black, tight fitting but warm against her skin so there would be no complaints from her, even if it was slightly hard to breath.

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