The Runaway

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(I'm aware of some pacing issues, once I get the story in the modern time the chapters will involve more detail. I promise.)

Now that Eowyn was in Kings Landing, she knew how easy it would be to get on Juniper and fly away where no one would come looking. Maybe the North? She could hide out with the Starks, and they'd hide her. They were known for being nothing short of honourable. But while she planned on her escape, she used the hidden tunnels she had discovered as a child to leave the red keep. Her silver hair was hidden beneath a hat and her hood, and she went to the nearest inn. She was wearing commoners clothing so no one would see she was out of place here, her ears were always listening as she sat nursing the cold pint of ale. She was there for about an hour before someone sat across from her, they were wearing a hood too and an eye patch, a drunken oaf she thought. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She pointed at the chair, allowing him to sit and her attention went back to the room. She had no idea it was Aemond Targaryen sat in front of her. She had never been told what he lost in the fight all those years ago and honestly, she didn't give it much thought either. The crowd of people grew drunker and louder, and she couldn't hear a thing. The stranger opposite her sat in silence, he of course knew who she was. He had seen her fleeing the red keep. She was annoyed at his silence and just stared at him as she finished her drink. "Do you often just sit there and make people feel uncomfortable?" He chuckled softly, pursing his lips as he finished his drink too. "I was just waiting for you to ask for a way out of here."

Her interest suddenly piqued and with a wave of her hand she ordered two more drinks for her and the stranger. "Tell me stranger, how do I flee this town?" The drinks were within their hands in seconds, and he leaned closer to whisper. "My names Robert. See, now I'm no longer a stranger. And you are?" What a normal and boring name for someone who's only interesting feature was the eyepatch. Without thinking she responded. "My names Deanna." They both smiled at each other, thinking they had got the better on the other. Robert was true to his word though; he helped her with a plan to escape. He didn't ask why or ask for anything from her. She seemed to trust him. The hour was late and when she moved to stand, she held out her hand for him to shake. "Well thank you Robert. I best be going now; my master won't cook for herself." When he touched her there was a jolt of electricity or something that passed through her. Before she could leave, she heard him speak again. "Lady Deanna, if you ever find yourself unable to sleep for the remainder of your time here then I'm usually here every night." She smiled softly and nodded her head before she left the inn and had the impossible task of sneaking back into the red keep. Once she was alone in her chambers, a near miss of being caught by Cole himself she thought back to Robert. He was helping her; he didn't know why or who she was, but he was nice enough to help and it made her a little excited when she thought of plotting with him again tonight. For a boring shoemaker from Kings Landing, she found herself wanting to know more. The pressure of being royalty and being forced to find her husband was forgotten about around him.

The day dragged, her classes seeming to move slower than the old maestors that inhabited the red keep. Her mother was spending all of her spare time in planning the events ready for the tourney at the end of the week. When she was finally allowed to leave the library, she basically ran out of the room. She was desperate to get some steel between her hands. She never went to the courtyard; her idiot uncles were always there training and she wanted to avoid them for as long as possible. So, she hid out in the stables, striking at a wooden column and acting as if it could attack her back. After she had dinner with her brothers, she retired to her guest chambers again for a long soak in a milk bath. Her hand maiden helped to wash her aching body, when Eowyn closed her eyes, she was thinking about how in the next hour or so she would be back to her fake life. Pretending to be a commoner called Deanna. "Have you ever been in love, Belladonna?" The servant girl was caught off guard, laughing softly as she plaited her long silver hair.

"No, Princess. Girls like me never have that luxury. And I guess that neither do you really." Women were pawns in the game of men. Eowyn was just lucky she wasn't forced into this ridiculous arrangement the second she started her monthly bleed like most girls she knew. The girls shared a knowing smile. Life was cruel if you were a woman and there was nothing more than Eowyn feared than a cage.

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